Wikipedia Gets Pretty with Articles iPhone App Take a look at some of the interesting features in a new Wikipedia app for the iPhone.
iPad Developers Code Their Apps in the Dark While Apple says that iPad applications can be submitted next week to coincide with opening of the iPad App Store, most iPad developers only have the iPad simulator to work with until then, except a select few who actually received the device early.
Valgrind Phil Hassey, the author of Galcon for the iPhone, mentioned this memory management and debugging tool at GDC 2010 and it’s definitely worth a look.
Corona Now Supports iPad Busy week for these guys.
Apple Stores Now Able to Sell Unlocked iPhones [update] While the original article mentioned that the phones were unlocked, it turns out that they are just contract free.
Flurry: iPhone Games Are A $500 Million Industry In The U.S. And Taking Share Insightful data from Flurry about the state of the game industry and the impact the iPhone has had.
App Store Approvals Slow As The iPad Land Rush Begins Some iPhone developers have noticed that their approval times have increased just as the date for the iPad launch nears.
Better Late Than Never, Comes To The iPhone The popular video streaming service now has an iPhone application that has some innovative features.
You Can Now Gift iPhone Apps A feature has been added to the App Store that allows you to gift an iPhone application. One interesting side-effect to this is that some developers are noticing that others are gifting large numbers of their application and shooting up the rankings where they would normally need to sell a certain number.
iPad Launch Looks to be Dominated by Gaming Apps Flurry has data on applications being tested on the iPad and they’ve broken it down by category. It turns out the majority of them are games (surprised?).
Urban Airship: Developer Preview Release for AirMail “AirMail is the next generation of push notification for mobile apps. It’s media-rich (think video and HTML), has the ability to do return-receipt, an in-app inbox and all sorts of cool features.”
Buzz Aldrin Portal to Science and Space Exploration for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad Buzz Aldrin has created a Portal to Science & Space Exploration to unite people and technology for the purpose of educating and entertaining the world on this interesting and critically important subject.
iPhone Is Eating Sony PSP and Nintendo DS’ Lunch Another perspective on Flurry’s recent stats regarding the iPhone’s impact on the game industry.
Digg’s iPhone App Is Now Available The much anticipated Digg iPhone app is now available, with a new Digg site redesigning coming soon.
Further Tests Confirm iPhone Touchscreen Superiority An interesting study on the accuracy of the touchscreens on various mobile devices shows that the iPhone is superior.
AdMob Registers 50% Market Share For iPhone OS Based On Smartphone Traffic Admob recently announced that smartphones accounted for 48% of its worldwide traffic last month, with the iPhone still being the dominant device.
3 Useful iPhone Apps to Help File Your Taxes