Cash From In-App Mobile Advertising Networks

In app advertising can generate significant revenues for you. There are 2 scenarios of usage for your free app that can determine the in app ad revenues. Either your app can be mainstream or have a small niche user base. If you app is mainstream small amounts of usage can add up, and if you app has a small niche user base but is very “sticky”, then the revenues can also add up.

Here is a bunch of Ad Networks that you can consider, if you want to earn revenues through ads inside your apps – – The 1000 pound gorilla in the space that was recently acquired by Google. – A multi-network advertising platform with a feature that allows you to switch between Admob, Mobclix, JumpTap, videoEgg, Millenial Media, Quattro Wireless and more. – Google Adsense for mobile applications. – Has a propritery method of displaying flash ads inside the iphone and recently uses highly immersive and interactive in-app ads. – Specializes in rich media advertising for mobile devices. They offer an analytics platform and has a framework for tracking user activity. – Represents the largest mobile ad networks available for developers and publishers and supports over 20 different networks, and has analytics integration for developers. – operates as a mobile adnetwork exchange as well as offering its own ads. Allows location based ad serving / targeting. – Operates as an ad network exchange and also has an iPhone SDK for selling virtual goods via Offerpal Media. Has a pay-per-install feature also. – Claims to be the first iPhone Video Ads platform. – Another ad network exchange service. Has an interesting Ad Frame format which when tapped shows a full page ad.

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