Mac developers: 360|MacDev conference scheduled for December

360|Conferences, the company that hosts the popular 360|iDev iOS development conferences, is now reaching out to the Mac development world. They’re launching a new conference, 360|MacDev, and the premiere event will be held December 10th and 11th in Denver, Colorado.

360|Conferences felt that it was important to get into the Mac development conference gig, since the C4 conference has been terminated and WWDC not only sells out quickly, but seems to be focusing more and more on iOS development. They’re starting small and short with this event, so if you’re interested in attending you’ll want to get registered soon. A deal for early bird tickets ($200) expires on Friday, September 24th, and after that date the registration cost jumps up to $300. You might want to consider attending the conference and then taking a ski vacation at the many resorts just a few hours away.

If you’d like to showcase your Mac development mojo, the Call For Papers is open. There’s a Facebook page and a LinkedIn Event for the conference, so you can get more info about 360|MacDev as the event date gets closer. TUAW will be covering the event as well, and we look forward to talking with the stars of the Mac development world.

TUAWMac developers: 360|MacDev conference scheduled for December originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 18 Sep 2010 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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