Open Source iOS Component Providing Gesture Based Or Tabbed View Navigation With A Nice UI

I’ve mentioned a number of custom iOS controls for paging between views with a nice interface, most recently TwitterPagingViewer inspired by the Twitter app.

Here’s a component called XLPagerTabStrip inspired by PagerTabStrip and PageView from the Android SDK providing a nice solution for navigating between a collection of view controllers from XMARTLABS.

XLPagerTabStrip provides gesture based scrolling between views with a position indicator above the view, or you can provide a scrollable tab selector which is great for navigating between a wide number of views. An example demonstrating the different ways to navigate with XLPagerTab strip is included.

Here’s an animation from the readme showing the include example in action:


You can find XLPagerTabStrip on Github here.

A nice navigation component.

Original article: Open Source iOS Component Providing Gesture Based Or Tabbed View Navigation With A Nice UI

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