A Step-By-Step Tutorial On Using iOS 8?s New Keyboard Extension

Among the great new features in iOS 8 are the custom keyboard extensions, and the keyboard predictive text bar that will sit atop the keyboard (last month I mentioned a component based on that new feature called TOMSSuggestionBar.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial from Tope Abayomi explaining how to create custom keyboards using the iOS 8 custom keyboard extension.

The tutorial explains how to set up your project, using the new keyboard extension, creating a custom keyboard layout, and explains a few of the gotchas along the way.

Here’s an image showing the custom keyboard that you’ll create in the tutorial:

Keyboard Tutorial

You can find the tutorial over on the App Design Vault.

A nice guide on using the new iOS 8 custom keyboard extension.

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Original article: A Step-By-Step Tutorial On Using iOS 8′s New Keyboard Extension

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