I’ve mentioned a number of open source iOS components for creating chat style views with bubbles modeled after the chat view found within the iMessages app such as UIBubbleTableView.
Here’s an open source component called SPHChatBubble that allows you to create more with some more features than previously mentioned libraries from Siba Hota.
With SPHChatBubble support is added for avatars, images, resizing, data detectors, copy and paste support, and more. Like other chat views the input resizes as the user types.
Here’s an image showing SPHChatBubble in action:
You can find SPHChatBubble on Github here.
A very nice library if you’re looking to add a chat view into an app.
Thanks to Tom for the submisison.
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Original article: iOS Component Providing A Chat Screen With Support For Avatars, Images, Resizing And More
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