Design strategies for mobile apps and mobile websites

hand holds touch screen mobile phone streaming imagesWhen deciding whether to create a mobile application or a mobile website, web designers have to pay particular attention to their design intentions. There are strict guidelines on how an application must feel from a user standpoint, according to Apple Apps Review Guidelines. The Apple App Store is the by far the biggest store for users to get their mobile applications. Therefore, web designers and developers should pay particular attention to them in order to save development time and costs. The biggest reason to pick an application over a website, or vice versa, is going to be how a designer wants the user to interact with the company’s information.

Why Pick a Mobile Application?

If a web designer is looking to create a mobile product for golfers, what would essentially be a digital scorecard, there might be a decision process to pick a site over an application. With this example, for a number of reasons, it might be best for the web designer to pick a mobile application over a mobile website. The primary reason is going to be to get branding on to the phone, and ease of access for the user.

Creating proper brand awareness is a huge part of the success of any company. When looking at mobile app vs mobile website, an application is a great way to create brand awareness given it is designed properly. If a golfer is in the clubhouse after a round, and is talking to his friends about his new digital scorecard, which provides easier access to quickly show it off, an application or a website? The application, is because it is already sitting on their phone. All the user has to do is scroll through their phone to the application, press a button and they can show off or access their scorecard. Ease of access is a major consideration for all web designers, and could sway the decision of application or website in either direction.

Any point where a user would benefit from having information stored in a more local, easy-to-access point is where an application is going to show its main advantages. It is also much easier to create an interactive and engaging environment through an application. Interactivity and engagement are going to be key factors in whether or not a web designer picks the mobile application route.

Why Mobile Websites?

When designing a mobile website, the web designer has to make sure they are creating it in a way that is a natural extension of the company’s regular website. When designing a mobile website, it is best to make sure there is as little clutter as possible. If a company is using the mobile platform to present information rather than aim to engage through interactivity, a mobile website is a better pick then an application. A web designer has to go through a lot more testing and hassle to get applications approved in the major application stores such as the Apple App Store.  When designing a mobile website, the web designer must make sure that it is straight forward, organized and intuitive to use. Given the screen restrictions of most mobile platforms, if thought is not put into it, people will not use the company’s site.

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