iOS Library That Uses Swizzling To Draw Physics Bodies Makes Debugging Sprite Kit Physics Easier

Not too long ago I mentioned a nice library that makes performing common tasks with Sprite Kit easier, and I’ve also mentioned a nice set of iOS 7 source code examples including a basic sprite kit example.

Here’s a handy library for working with Sprite Kit physics called PhysicsDebugger from Thomas Zinnbauer.

One of the difficulties in working with Sprite Kit is that it can be difficult to debug physics behavior if you have a number of different objects with  different shapes of physics bodies.  PhysicsDebugger uses swizzling as the phyiscsBody has no accessible property and draws an outline around the real physics body of different objects.

Here’s an image from the readme showing PhysicsDebugger in action:


You can find PhysicsDebugger on Github here, and you can read more about PhysicsDebugger on the YMC website.

A handy library for debugging Sprite Kit physics.

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Original article: iOS Library That Uses Swizzling To Draw Physics Bodies Makes Debugging Sprite Kit Physics Easier

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