Previously I mentioned a nice library allowing you to implement many custom transitions that utilizes the iOS 7 transitions API, and previously mentioned a tutorial from Yari D’areglia on custom view transitions prior to the realease of the iOS 7 SDK.
Here’s a new tutorial from Yari explaining how to utilize the new UI transition API found within iOS 7.
The tutorial does an excellent job of explaining how to use the new objects and protocols of the transitioning API, and implementing a custom animation.
Here’s a video showing the simple app you’ll build in the tutorial:
You can find the tutorial over on the Think and Build It site here.
A nice straightforward guide on using the new UI transition API.
- Tutorial: How To Create Custom UIViewController Transitions
- Tutorial: Making Transitions That Work As Xcode Storyboard Segues (UIStoryboardSegue)
- Custom UIStoryboardSegue Providing A Modal Style Transition
- Open Source iOS UIView Category For Great Looking Easy Fan Fold Style Transitions
- Example: Create A 3D iBooks Style Transition That Acts As An Xcode Storyboard Segue
Original article: Tutorial: Guide On Using The iOS 7 UI Transition API To Create Custom View Transitions
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