I’ve mentioned a couple of excellent libraries utilizing the Fontawesome iconic font such as this library for making iconized twitter bootstrap style buttons, and a library allowing usage of several open source iconic fonts providing thousands of icons you can use within UIKit elements.
Here’s an open source UIButton category called PPiAwesomeButton from Pedro Piñera Buendía.
PPiAwesomeButton allows you to easily add fontawesom icons with text to create flat iconized buttons. There are also methods set to easily change the button colors, and round the buttons.
Here is an animated image from the readme showing many different buttons created using PPiAwesome button:
You can find PPiAwesomeButton on Github here.
A fantastic library for creating iconized buttons.
- Open Source iOS Library For Making Twitter Bootstrap Style Buttons Integrated With FontAwesome Icons
- Open Source Library Allowing You To Easily Use The Font Awesome Icons Within Your iOS UI Buttons
- Library Allowing You To Easily Enhance iOS UIKit Interface Elements With Icon Fonts
- Category Extending NSString Allowing You To Use FontAwesome Icons In Your Apps
- Top iOS Development Resources For Week Ended April 21st, 2013
Original article: An iOS Library For Making Great Looking Flat Iconized Buttons Using FontAwesome
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