Daily iPhone App: Image Blender allows you to blend images with just a few taps

Sometimes during a spare moment, you will browse through your camera roll and notice two photos that would look great together. You don’t have Photoshop on your iPhone and your Mac is miles away at home, so what should you to bring your composition to life? One easy-to-use solution for these moments of creative inspiration is Image Blender. As its name implies, Image Blender lets you blend two images together into one.

Image Blender prompts you to choose a background image and a secondary image that is superimposed on top on the base photo. You can pull these images from your camera roll or snap them as a new photo. If you have Camera + installed, you can import images in from that app as well.

Once you choose your two images, you can select a blending mode to get the right effect. All the familiar blends like Multiply, Overlay, Screen, Color Dodge and Color Burn as available within the app. You can also change the overlay image by resizing it, rotating it and applying a mask.

The mask feature is extremely useful — you can use it to remove background parts of the image that you don’t want to overlay. I used the mask on a photo of my sleeping cat. I was able to trim the couch on which she was snoozing and then superimposed her sleeping on top of the dog. When you are done with your blended image, you can export the finished image to your camera roll or flatten it and add another overlay layer.

Image Blender is perfect for iPhoneographers who want to mix and matches images while out and about. It’s also great for creative types who want to combine their images in an artistic way. You can download Image Blender from the iOS App Store for $2.99.

Daily iPhone App: Image Blender allows you to blend images with just a few taps originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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