I’ve mentioned a number of tools and libraries to aid with testing, most recently GSAutomation that provides a number of helpers for writing UIAutomation scripts and the Xcodebuild replacement xctool.
Here’s a very interesting open source testing framework called Subliminal from Inkling. subliminal provides a way to write tests using Objective-C — as the readme states:
Subliminal is a framework for writing iOS integration tests. Subliminal provides a familiar OCUnit/SenTest-like interface to Apple’s UIAutomation framework, with tests written entirely in Objective-C. Subliminal also provides a powerful mechanism for your tests to manipulate your application directly.
Something that’s really great about Subliminal is that it integrates well with Xcode and instruments so you don’t need to use any extra tools or introduce more dependencies.
Here’s a video demonstrating the usage of Subliminal:
You can find Subliminal on Github here, and read more about it on the Inkling blog.
A very interesting testing framework that eliminates many of the problems of working with UIAutomation by allowing you to use OBjective-C.
- Open Source iOS UIAutomation Test Runner That Supports Coffeescript
- New Open Source Visual iOS Testing Framework For Easy Testing Using Coffeescript And Screenshots
- Nifty Library That Makes Writing UIAutomation Scripts With Javascript Much Simpler
- Open Source: An OpenGL ES Powered Game Engine Module For Appcelerator Titanium Mobile
- Open Source: Behavioral Driven Development Testing Framework
Original article: Open Source iOS UIAutomation Powered Testing Framework That Uses Objective-C
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