Whether you’re new to exercise and don’t know where to start, or a fitness enthusiast who’s looking to change up the weekly routine, the Reebok Fitness app allows you to design a workout program specific to your wants and needs with the help of a fitness expert.
Pick your favorite activities or incorporate new ones into your plan, then let the app provide you with a schedule and workout reminders, plus challenge you to keep you motivated. You can view a breakdown of your achievements after each session and even share the results with friends.
Are you ready to get moving? Click “more” to see how the app works.
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Creating a Program
If you want, you can take a tour of the app to help you decide whether or not you want to use it. If you like what you see, you’ll need to register with Reebok Fitness by providing your email address and a few additional details.
Choose your program’s duration and key activities, such as running, walking, dancing, yoga or training.
Now here comes the fun part. Determine your program duration in weeks (six weeks is the minimum). Next, select any combination of the following activities: training, running, dance, yoga and walking. The app mandates that you must choose at least two to build a program.
Your activity selections must add up to 100 percent, although you can distribute them however you like (in other words, if you pick just two activities, they don’t have to be split 50/50; they could be 75/25 or whatever you want). Adjust the slider for each activity until your program is 100 percent complete.
You’ll be assigned four workouts per week, and a Reebok Fitness account is required.
Reebok Fitness will now create your customized program and provide a schedule for you to follow. You’ll be assigned four workouts each week and may complete one per day. If you need to rearrange your workouts to better suit your schedule, just tap the Edit button to drag and drop them just how you want, then click Save.
Getting Fit
After the app generates your program, you’ll be able to view your schedule. Swipe along the very bottom of the screen to view the schedule for subsequent weeks; in the top right, view the number of weeks remaining; and in the main area of the screen you’ll see the week’s schedule.
The app provides you with importantion information for each workout, including goals and safety tips.
Tap on any workout for more information, or when you’re ready to begin that day’s workout. Reebok Fitness will provide important information such as goals and tips regarding safety and performance. All workouts were created by experienced fitness professionals.
Depending on the specific activities involved in that day’s workout, the information provided for your workout may include explanations, videos or demos. After reviewing all the important notes, click Start Workout to begin. When finished, swipe the screen to the left to reveal the “Did you complete this workout?” screen. Tap “Yes, I’m done” to mark the workout as complete.
After completing each workout you’ll be given a prompt; fill in the blank, then share your thoughts via social media.
Upon the completion of every workout, Reebok Fitness provides a fill-in-the-blank prompt, for which you can select an answer from a drop-down menu. Make your choice, then share your phrase via Twitter, Facebook or email.
Doing More
In the top right of your screen you’ll see the three horizontal lines which represent a menu. Click on the icon to reveal your main navigation menu, where you can access your profile, achievements (displays your overall completion rate, plus longest workout streak, summary and more), timer (maybe you want to pit yourself against the clock?), Reebok’s online store and a store finder, as well as settings and programs.
From your main menu you can view your achievements, plus control a multitude of settings.
The app grants users a lot of control under settings, where you can opt to: keep the screen on or off during workouts, display workout reminders, sync workouts with your iPhone calendar, receive email updates related to products or fitness, and enable sharing for Twitter and/or Facebook.
I like the way the app developers have already considered a few of people’s reasons for blowing off workouts (“I was too busy” or “I forgot”) and provided solutions (give users the ability to rearrange their workout schedule, plus have the app issue daily reminders).
I also felt Reebok Fitness did a great job of balancing technical information with conversational explanations related to each and every workout. This is no easy task, and one that has to be executed perfectly, since making the exercise lingo too simple would turn off those already well acquainted with exercise, but using language that’s too technical — such as discussing fartleks and 180 SPM at length — would intimidate exercise newbies. Hats off to Reebok Fitness for trying their best to cater to everyone.