Open Source iOS Library For Easily Scrolling Text Entry Fields Away From The Keyboard

Previously I mentioned a library called TPKeyboardAvoiding for auto-scrolling your text fields out of the way of the keyboard. That library works well, but there are a few issues with some device sizes.

Here’s an alternative simple to use open source solution to the problem of keyboard avoidance from Kirpichenko called EKKeyboardAvoiding.

EKKeyboardAvoiding works on any UIScrollView subclass and will automatically scroll any text entry fields out of the way automatically, and works fine on different devices and orientations.

Also included in the project is EKKeyboardAvoidingView that you can drop your UITextField’s and UITextViews into in either interface builder or programatically, and keyboard avoidance features will be automatically added.

Here are a couple of images from the included exmaple project showing the text entry fields scrolled out of the way of the keyboard:
EKKeyboardAvoiding-1 EKKeyboardAvoiding-2

You can find EKKeyboardAvoiding on Github here.

A nice easy to implement solution to the textfield/textview keyboard avoidance problem.


Original article: Open Source iOS Library For Easily Scrolling Text Entry Fields Away From The Keyboard

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