Thanks To Our Weekly Sponsor: Robi: Cosmic Savior

Ever played Super Mario Galaxy before? There’s this one level where you have to blow up this giant rock-like thing and to do so, you have to use these ghosts that also act as bombs. To catch the ghosts, you spin the controller to whirl them into a sling, and then you swing the ghost into the rock thing. Do it enough times and you win the level.

I bring that up because our Weekly Sponsor, Robi: Cosmic Savior, uses a similar mechanic. You play as Robi, a little guy whose planet is in trouble. See, there was this big brouhaha out in space that caused all of the meteors to go our of whack. Next thing Robi knew, they’re flying towards his planet, and he’s the only one with a way to stop them.

To do that, Robi has a little assistant robot deal that he can control. With each meteor that comes onto the screen, he can send off that assistant to mine the meteor for minerals, spin it into orbit (to protect the planet from other meteors) or just fling it off away from you. And that’s how this all relates to the aforementioned Super Mario Galaxy.

This is another one of those simple and fun games that I love to play. It’s free, it utilizes the touch mechanic in a simple and clear way, plus it’s easy to pick up and put down. To me, that’s pretty much everything that a game needs to be, and Robi: Cosmic Savior has all that and more.

Go Get It!

So here’s the pitch: Robi: Cosmic Savior is a fun, frenetic game that uses the iPhone (and iPad, this is a Universal App) to its core strengths. The question becomes, should you get it? For me, the answer is pretty clear. Why wouldn’t you? 

Think you’ve got a great app? Sign up for a Weekly Sponsorship slot just like this one.

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