You know when you want to show someone a picture on your iPhone and you forget that the photo you are looking for is not actually on your iPhone, but on Facebook? So, you try to search for it on Facebook, and realize that you haven’t uploaded it there yet and it’s still on your computer at home. Well, now there is an app that keeps all of your photos in spot. What is this fantastical app you ask? Why, it’s Everpix, a comprehensive new photo platform that allows you to view, send and share photos from your photo collection within seconds.
Ready for the photo party?
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Getting Started
Everpix is a fairly new photo platform that provides unlimited photo storage and can also: sync photos from your iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, Gmail and from social apps like Flickr, Facebook and Instagram; print your favorite photos directly to Walgreens; create a private photo page; and has the ability to explore your photos by their content, which is pretty rad.
The Basics

You need to sign up online before you can log into the app.
Setup is more than just an iPhone install. You will have to signup with Everpix online before you can start using the app. After you verify your account, you can log in with your user name and password and then start your syncing process. Off the bat, you will be able to sync your Camera Roll, and depending on how many photos you have, it can take quite a while. They recommend you connect your social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Picasa Web and Gmail) while waiting for the photos to upload.
The main navigation page (which you can get to by tapping the three horizontal lines on the top left) gives you the options to go to: Photo Mail, Explore (newly added), Highlights, Moments, Sources and Settings.

Everpix’s Highlight showcases your best photos.
Highlights is Everpix’s idea of smart photo organization, basically cutting out the filler photos (blurry photos or different sized duplicates.) Apparently, it sorts through your photos using an image analysis technology that organize photos based on content, “more magic and less noise.” You can sort your highlights by year and when you tap on a photo it will pull up in a new page. In the right hand corner of the photo you will see a paper airplane that will pop up a list: Photo Mail, create a Photo page, Save, share on Facebook, share on Twitter and send to Walgreens.

You can create photo pages to share with your friends and family! Sa-weet!
When you share the photo via mail, the app will pull up your address book. If the person you are sending it to already has Everpix, it will badge their app as well as emailing the photo to them. Alternatively, if they don’t have Everpix, it will just invite them to join. When you create a photo page, a private page on Everpix’s website is created that you can send a link to. This is pretty handy if you want to share photos with your friends or family. The send to Walgreens function is also pretty sweet. It is incredibly easy to get a photo printed out; simply choose the photo, pick a size, choose a location and bam, your photo will be printing merrily away in Walgreens waiting for you to pick it up in all of its physical glory.
You can also select multiple images to share, or print by first tapping the paper air plane and then selecting all the photos you want to use.

Photo Mail is basically a news feed that shows you the photos that you have shared through Everpix with your friends and family.
Photo Mail shows all the photos that you have shared with your friends and family and vice versa.
Another feature is the Moments page. This page is divided up by moments, or photos that are grouped by the time they were originally taken. Another way to view your photos is via Sources, which chronologically sorts your photos by their source (like Instagram, Facebook, etc.)

As you can see, there are still a few kinks in the Explore functionality, but for the most part it is pretty solid.
A brand new feature that just became available, literally, while I was writing this review (causing me to backpedal a bit to make sure I didn’t miss any other new updates) is the Explore feature. The Explore feature sorts your photos by “semantic data gathered via Everpix image analysis.” The different categories you can explore are: date, food, nature, cities, people, pets and random. And for the most part, it’s pretty accurate.
Free vs. Paid
Okay, so Everpix just recently rolled out a new pricing plan. As it currently stands, on the free version you can have access to all of your photos from the past 12 months. And the unlimited plan allows you to access your entire photo collection for $49 a year or $4.99 a month.
Final Thoughts
I really love the idea of this app. So many times I’ve had to clear photos off of my phone to make room for, well, other photos and I would love to be able to still have them close at hand. From a design viewpoint, I really don’t like the weird photo formatting in the Moments area, I think it feels a little chaotic. On the other hand, I loved the date slider bar on each of the different pages. The Highlights idea is pretty interesting, and I’m very curious to see how the Explore functionality develops. And of course, all of the sharing options are pretty useful.
Basically, if you are a photo-hoarder (like me), this app is definitely for you.