Open Source iOS Library For Rendering Markdown Text

Previously I mentioned a source code example showing how to create a complete note taking app that accepts markdown input.

Here’s an open source library from allowing you to render rich text on iOS devices created using markdown.

An example on the homepage shows the following markup code:

#Header sizes
##Smaller header
###Even smaller header

Paragraphs are obviously supported along with all the fancy text styling you could want.
There is *italic*, **bold** and ***bold italic***. Even links are supported, visit the
github page for Bypass [here](

* Nested List
    * One
    * Two
    * Three
* One
    * One
    * Two
    * Three

## Code Block Support

    const char* str;
    str = env->GetStringUTFChars(markdown, NULL);

Creating the following result:

iOS Device Screen

You can find the Bypass repository on Github here and you can find the home page here.

You’ll need to install the Boost open source library to get Bypass running.

The library uses libsoldout to parse the Markdown.

A nice library for rendering markdown.


Original article: Open Source iOS Library For Rendering Markdown Text

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