Full Featured iOS Helper Library For Working With Core Audio

I previously mentioned an audio library called Novocaine using Core Audio for performing very low latency audio recording and playback.

Michael Tyson has released a new helper library for working with Core Audio called The Amazing Audio Engine providing a vast array of features.

The key features as stated in the homepage documentation include:

– Deep integration of Audiobus, the inter-app audio system for iOS.
– A channel class for playing and looping audio files.
– An NSOperation class for loading audio files into memory.
– A class for writing audio to an audio file.
– Multi-channel input hardware support.
-Utilities for managing AudioBufferLists, the basic unit of audio.
– Timing Receivers, which are used for sequencing and synchronization.
– A class for managing easy conversion to and from floating-point format for use with the Accelerate vector processing framework.
– A lock-free synchronization system that lets you send messages between your app’s main thread, and the Core Audio thread, without having to worry about managing access to shared variables in a way that doesn’t cause performance problems.
– A suite of auxiliary components, including:
– A recorder class, for recording and mixing one or more sources of audio
– A playthrough channel, for providing easy audio monitoring
– Limiter and expander filters

You can find the repository for The Amazing Audio Engine on Github here and you can find the homepage here and the documentation here.

If you’ve been looking to do some advanced work with Core Audio The Amazing Audio Engine is definitely worth checking out.


Original article: Full Featured iOS Helper Library For Working With Core Audio

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