Earlier this year I mentioned a simple library allowing you to easily track the time required to execute an objective-c method.
Here’s another library providing an easy way to track the performance of an app from Rolandas Razma called RRFPS.
RRFPS provides a simple means of tracking the Frames per second of an app and a chart of that frame rate all conveniently placed within the status bar area.
Here’s an image from the readme showing the library in action (note the FPS and chart at the top of the screenshot):
You can find RRFPSBar on Github here.
A nice simple way for tracking the frame rate of an app to help improve app performance without the need to use instruments.
- Open Source iPhone Control For Easy Custom Status Bar Messages
- Best Resources In iOS Development – June 18th, 2012
- Open Source: Plotting Libraries For Easy Charts Without The Cost
- Best Resources In iOS Development – February 27th, 2012
- Tutorial: How To Make A Line Graph, Bar Chart And Pie Chart With Core Plot
Original article: Library Allowing You To Easily Chart An App’s Framerate In The Status Bar Area
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