Previously I mentioned a library extending the popular AFNetworking library that provides easy download resumption and the ability to track download progress called AFDownloadRequestOperation.
Here’s another AFNetworking add-on called JJAFAcceleratedDownloadRequestOperation from Josh Johnson that provides accelerated downloading by splitting a users downloads into multiple chunks.
Also included is an interface control that can be used to illustrate download progress.
You can download JJAFAcceleratedDownloadRequestOperation from Github here.
If you’ve got an app that downloads large files and use AFNetworking this looks like a great way to speed those downloads up.
- AFNetworking Add-On Library For Easy Download Resumption And Progress Checking
- Easy To Use Open Source iOS Concurrent Downloading Library That Uses NSURLConnection
- Open Source: Lightweight Asynchronous Networking Library For Easy Communication With Web Services
- Open Source iOS Library For Easy Image Downloading From Instagram, Facebook, Flickr and Picasa
- Open Source iOS UIImageView Category Adding Easy Asynchronous Image Downloading
Original article: iOS AFNetworking Add-On Library That Provides Accelerated Downloading
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