Easy Wrapper For Open Source Interactive 3D Globe Component WhirlyGlobe

About a year ago I mentioned the open source WhirlyGlobe 3D iOS Globe Library which is a great component for adding interactive 3D globes within your apps.

The component does have a number of drawbacks and there are some difficulties with getting the component to run, and using with threads.

The developers have created a new enhanced WhirlyGlobeComponent that takes care of these problems providing a framework that can be dragged into your apps, and you can be running very quickly.  There’s also a number of convenience methods wrapping up the most commonly used functionality of the component.

Here’s a video demonstrating the new WhirlyGlobeComponent and outlining the new features:

You can download the WhirlyGlobeComponent distribution (Still in beta) from Github here.

You can read more on the Mouse Bird Consulting site.

A great component that is now much easier to use.

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