Weekly News Roundup – July 20th 2012

Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news!


20th Century Fox movies now available via iTunes in the cloud – 0th Century Fox Studios has made its movies available through iTunes in the Cloud, which allows customers to download purchases to a compatible OS X or iOS device

Got A New Mac? Here’s How To Get Mountain Lion For Free – if you bought a Mac after June 11th, 2012, you’ll be automatically eligible to receive a free OS X Mountain Lion upgrade.

Apple Appeals To U.K. Court: Don’t Make Us Advertise For Samsung! – Apple advertise for one of its main competitors? Never! The Cupertino-based company has motioned to appeal the U.K. court’s ruling.

Facebook Buys Acrylic Software, A Gorgeous Mac And iOS App Maker – Following Google’s acquisition of Sparrow earlier today, Acrylic Software has announced that it has been bought by Facebook.

Sparrow acquired by Google, team to work on “new projects” – One of the nicest mail clients on any platform, Sparrow, was just acquired by Google.

New iPad owners increasingly interested in business use – A recent research report from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) suggests more people are buying the iPad to use at work, according to AllThingsD which had access to the report.

Evernote for Mac adds retina graphics and Activity Stream, Devcup voting under way – Evernote for Mac has been updated to version 3.2. It adds Activity Stream, which is billed as being able to keep up with everything going on with your Evernote account

Apple’s Early Prototype iPad Had a 12-Inch Display – Measuring pixel counts against the ruler shown in several of the photos reveals that the prototype device had a display measuring almost exactly 12 inches diagonally.


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