iBooks update brings Promo Codes and Screenshots

For those of you who have added books to Apple’s iBookstore you might have noticed that the is no way to let reviewers download a free copy of the book, well thanks to an update from Apple all that has now changed.

Earlier today iTunes Connect sent out an e-mail to content publishers detailing some changes and improvements to the iBookstore. Just like the App Store, the iBookstore now allows publishers to issue promo codes for content sold on the store — up to 50 free codes distributable to book reviewers.

For authors this is great news, the fact that you can allow a reviewer to download a sample copy of your book is amazing news, this way it is much more likely that the book will get reviewed.

Another update allows publishers to submit screenshots of the book, which will be particularly useful for multimedia content produced via iBooks Author.

The addition of promo codes and screenshots will no doubt be extremely useful tools to publishers of all sizes, from the biggest publishing houses down to budding self-publishers.

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