Lakeshore Learning is well-known for its excellent educational supplies, and now the company is making a name for itself in the iPad market with a trio of outstanding learning apps. Its Beginning Sounds Interactive Game for the iPad introduces the concept of beginning sounds to younger children in a fun and engaging manner.
The app starts with a grid of pictures and each one represents a different sound. You have a sun for “s”, a ball for “b”, a cat for “c” and so on. The child (or parent) has to select three picture sounds and tap “Enter” before the game begins. The game immediately grabs the attention of the child by spinning the three pictures into columns and dropping a bunch of balls down the right side of the screen.
The child must identify the beginning sound of each picture on the ball and drag it to an empty spot underneath the three pictures the child selected at the beginning of the game. Children who need extra help can tap on a picture to hear the word pronounced.
If the child answers correctly, the ball pops into place, and the game plays a happy sound. If the answer is wrong, the ball disappears and jumps back to the end of the line. The game also plays a sound that some kids may interpret as a reward for an incorrect answer. The game continues until the child has placed all the balls into the correct columns.
The Sound Sorting app is designed perfectly for young children. The balls are easy to select. The picture are recognizable to most children, and the app has a nice mix of interactivity, sound, and rewards. I only wish it had more content. I know this is a beginning sounds game and it’s free, but I would love to see middle and ending sounds as well. I would gladly pay for the app if it included all three sounds in a word instead of just one.
The Beginning Sounds Interactive Game is a universal app and available for free from the iOS App Store. As this post was going live, we were notified that the price has gone up to $0.99.
Daily iPad App: Sound Sorting Beginning Sounds originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 30 Dec 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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