Read and Trust

I’m proud to say that I’ve been asked to join Read & Trust, which features some of my favourite writers such as Ben Brooks, Shawn Blanc, and Marco Arment.

As the site says,

Read & Trust is committed to gathering together the best independent writers available — the ones recommended by the writers you read and trust.

It’s an (invitation-only) network of blogs with a unified set of feeds, so you can easily subscribe to all R&T writers at once – I’d recommend doing so. My favourite aspect, though, is the subscription-only newsletter, where for a small monthly fee you’ll receive a weekly long-form article from one of the writers in the network. I look forward to writing the occasional issue myself, and I hope you’ll consider signing up.

Just to clarify: this doesn’t make any change to – all the content remains freely accessible and will continue to do so, including all future posts. The feed is still there, and is still full-content.

Read & Trust is simply an endorsement of my writing here, and a mutual recommendation from me to check out the other writers in the network. I look forward to writing here for a long time to come, and I’m thrilled to be in such esteemed company.

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