Win a Free Copy of Things for iPhone!

It’s Productivity Week here at iPhone.AppStorm, and all week we’re going to have app reviews and how-tos, all based on getting things done. Plus, we’ll even pull some classic reviews out of the archives. Stay tuned all week!

You probably just read our review of Things, one of the best GTD apps out there for the iPhone today. At $9.99 though, it is a bit pricey compared to the many different free apps out on the market today. But what if we told you that there was a way for you to win your very own copy? Wouldn’t that be cool? Hit the jump to find out how to enter.

How to Enter

So you want a copy of Things, huh? Well here’s all you have to do. Just use your Twitter account to tweet the following phrase:

I just entered to win a copy of Things from @iphoneappstorm and @culturedcode #iPhoneAppStorm

That’s it! We’ll tally up the votes later this week and then come Friday, we’ll announce the winners on this very post.

Thanks in advance to all of you who enter the competition and good luck!

Things for iPhone

Things for iPhone

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