iPhone Development – Back To Basics

Wow, can you believe that it has been almost 3 years since I started iCodeblog!? It seems like just yesterday, That I wrote my very first tutorial in July of 2008. Now, iCodeBlog has multiple authors, hundreds of tutorials, and over 5,000 readers per day!

As you know, a few things (to say the least) have changed since we first launched iCodeBlog in 2008 with the way we develop for the iOS platform. With that being said, many of my early tutorials are now quite dated with old screenshots, old (deprecated) code, and no knowledge of memory management whatsoever. I have also evolved both in development as well as writing. Since beginning, I have published many tutorials, written over 30 iOS applications, and even published a book.

A New iOS Development Series

All that being said, I am proud to announce my next tutorial series called Back To Basics. This will be an ongoing series where I will revisit some of the core iOS development concepts for n00bs and experienced developers alike. I will focus heavily on conventions, clean and clear coding, and really try to aid the reader in developing a solid foundation in iOS development.

Here is a rough roadmap of where we are going (obviously incomplete).

  • Getting the tools
  • Overview of XCode
  • Basics of Objective-C
  • Hello iOS
  • MVC Design Patterns in Objective-C
  • View Controllers
  • Survey of Native Interface Components
    • Views
    • Table Views
    • Labels
    • Image Views
    • Pickers
    • Sliders
    • etc…
  • Then we start the good stuff…). iOS Frameworks
  • Image and Video
  • Audio Recording and Playback
  • Location
  • Maps
  • GameKit
  • Game Center
  • etc…

* Note that this list by no means is sorted or complete, it’s just to give you an idea of what I plan on working on going forward. At some point, I will have a formal method for submitting suggestions for tutorials to be considered.

But iCodeBlog Seems To Lack In The Post Frequency Department Lately

This is true, and I’m very sorry about that. Over the years iCodeBlog has gone through many transitions from being acquired by ELC Technologies to partnering with Velum Media. This has caused a lot of confusion and lack of motivation to create new content. We now have quite a few dedicated authors with some real incentives to write new content.

So make sure you subscribe to the RSS feed and stay tuned, because iCodeBlog is about to enter its best season yet.

Happy iCoding!

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