Best Resources In iOS Development – June 27th 2011

Several great resources were shared on this site this week, especially for game developers using the Cocos 2D and Unity 3D game developers.

I also updated the Open Source iPhone Apps listing with 4 new open source apps, and repaired any dead links have now been repaired.

Here are the most popular new resources from the last week:

Tutorial: Developing 2D Games With Unity 3D – A great set of guides for developing 2D games with Unity 3D using 2D sprites for gameplay, and 3D models for background objects.

Tool: Open Source Visual Editor For Cocos2D – A free and open source visual tool for developing with Cocos2D.  A great time-saving tool.

Open Source: Simple Customizable Menubar Implementation – A lightweight library for adding easily customizable menu bars to the top of your Cocoa Touch apps.

Open Source: Beginners Map Kit Demo (Utilizing ASIHttpRequest, JSONKit, and MBProgressHUD) – An open source project for those learning to use the iOS Map Kit that utilizes several excellent open source libraries.

Open Source: Tiny Wings Style Cocos2D Game and the Tutorial: Creating A Tiny Wings Style Game With Cocos2D – which make a great tutorial on how to create a popular iOS game with some cool features like dynamic textures, and terrain.

Making A Great Looking App Product Page – A set of tips showing how a developer of several popular iOS apps enhances his product page to increase downloads.

Thanks for reading, please share and bookmark this page!

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