Ben the Bodyguard: Hide Your Secrets

In a world where major corporations get broken into every day, it seems like we all could use a bit more security. Passwords get compromised all the time, and sometimes, you want that private photo to stay private. The problem is that if you leave your phone alone for any amount of time and you don’t have it password locked, there’s an opportunity for someone to tamper with it and do harm to your name, reputation or even your wallet.

But we don’t all have the money for a private bodyguard, right? Actually, you just might. Now there’s Ben the Bodyguard, an app designed to protect your most secret of goods and keep them hidden from friends and family members. How does it work? Hit the jump and we’ll tell you the private details.

All About the Interface

At its core, Ben the Bodyguard is just a way to keep contacts, notes, passwords, photos and reminders in one place. Because it’s password protected, there’s no simple way for someone to break into your iPhone and take your information, assuming it’s protected by Ben. But what makes this app so enticing isn’t what it does, but how it does it.

Ben establishes the rules early on.

Ben establishes the rules early on.

This app first made a splash in the press based on its HTML5 website, because of the unique approach it took to getting the word out. The app uses the same method, but ramps it up to 11 in the process by giving Ben the Bodyguard a backstory.

Want a free copy of Ben the Bodyguard? Check the site on Friday July 1st to enter for a chance to win!

Ben was a simple man once, one who was in love with a woman and was about to get married. But then, tragedy hit and he killed a man, causing him to flee the country, change his name and learn a new trade. Telling much more ruins the story, but it goes without saying that Ben has seen some things, and he’s kept all of them secret. This tale is recounted in the opening video, and is replayable if you want to see it again, or just show it off to friends. Frankly, it’s worth two viewings.

The Nuts and Bolts

Once you’ve signed on to Ben the Bodyguard the first time, you’re greeted with the opening screen. On the right is a list of the items you can select to protect, and right in front of you is Ben, ready with a funny quip or comment. Touching him in various places with your finger brings different results, so try that out too. Just be careful where you touch.

Each time you login you need to enter a password.

Each time you login you need to enter a password.

As previously mentioned, now you just choose what you want to keep protected. When I first tried out the app, I figured that this was meant for illicit activities, such as a man cheating on his woman or something similar. And sure, Ben could be used in that way if that’s what you’re looking for. But for the average person, having a secure place to store your passwords is in itself a good idea. Add in secret reminders, contacts and photos, and you’re good to go. Just think about all of the little things you’ve got on your iPhone right now that you’d rather keep private. Now you get it.

Protect passwords quickly and easily.

Protect passwords quickly and easily.


One key feature to the app is the Reminder system. Put a note in with a specific time and date and Ben will remind you when that time comes up. Thing is, that wouldn’t be worth anything if a notification window popped up with “Go meet your secret girlfriend” on the screen if your actual girlfriend was nearby. That’s why Ben keeps it discreet.

Notifications are kept secret.

Notifications are kept secret.

When a notification does pop up, it’s very plain and simple. Like this:

Reminder notifications are subtle.

Reminder notifications are subtle.

Just like that, you’re notified of something you need to do without having to worry about someone spying over your shoulder.


As I said before, I didn’t really think there was a reason for an innocent guy like me to buy this app. I mean, I’ve got nothing to hide, and there’s a limited number of people who have access to my iPhone anyways, so what do I need to protect? But then I started thinking about it and playing around with the app for a bit, and I realized that having a place for my passwords wasn’t a bad idea, and keeping certain business partners separate from the rest wasn’t a bad idea either. And sure, I’m pretty innocent, but there might be a few pictures I’d rather keep away from the gaze of a buddy or two. So really, there are a few reasons why Ben would work for me.

As for you, well, you’ll have to decide yourself how many secrets you have to keep. But if you even want to keep one or two things private, then Ben the Bodyguard is a fun and entertaining way to do so without spending a ton of cash. The way I see it, there are probably plenty of other apps that do something similar to Ben, and probably even for less money. But on the flip side, if you get an app that’s functional and entertaining, well that just seems like a win-win situation.

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