Weekly Poll: How Often Do You Sync Your iPhone?

We all know that iCloud is coming down the pike sometime soon, but for now, we’re still stuck with tethering our iPhones via USB anytime we want to put in an update or update our music. After writing about iOS 5 the other day, I realized that I maybe sync my iPhone once a month, and sometimes even less. That got me thinking: How often do you sync your iPhone?

Of course, soon this won’t be an issue, but it would be interesting to find out. Because if we skew towards not syncing, well then that makes Apple’s job easier by making the updates automatic. It saves them money on Geniuses, as well as fixing bricked iPhones because someone couldn’t update it correctly. On the other side, if we sync all the time then what does that say about us? Let’s find out, shall we?

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