Learn Cocos2D Book From Ray Wenderlich And Rod Strougo Nears Release

I have posted about many of Ray Wenderlich’s excellent tutorials – most recently this tutorial on dynamic textures with Cocos2D.

Ray has been a tribute to the community with his many Cocos2D tutorials, and he has written a Cocos2D book along with Rod Strougo that is now nearing release known as Learn Cocos2D.  I have previously mentioned the excellent Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos2D Game Development book from Steffen Itterheim. The book by Rod and Ray is not only a great book by itself, but both books complement each other well as they both use a different approach to learn Cocos2D.

Learn Cocos2D takes a very hands on approach and goes through the creation of a complete game with Cocos2D on iOS — complete with add ons like Game Center support, and particles.

The book ships on July 1st, and you can pre-order the paperback version of the book on Amazon.

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