Open Source: Multitude Of Useful Cocos2D Extensions

The extremely popular Cocos2D engine has many associated open source projects, so many with such specialized use that they typically get little mention, and end up never being heard of.

A new project has emerged known as Cocos2D Extensions that aims to place all the quality extensions within a single open source project has been created.

Here’s a list of what’s in the project so far as listed on the Github pag and available for iOS devices:

  • CCMenuAdvanced – CCMenu subclass with additional features: relativeAnchor, more align options, priority property, scrolling with swipe/trackpad/mousewheel
  • CCMenuItemSpriteIndependent – CCMenuItemSprite Subclass, that doesnt add normal/selected/disabled images (sprites) as children. It retains them and delegates rect & convertToNodeSpace: methods to normalImage_. So it’s possible to use CCSpriteBatchNode & add position sprites of menuItem anyway you want.
  • CCVideoPlayer – Simple Video Player for Cocos2D apps.
  • CCBigImage – Dynamic Tiled Node for holding Large Images.
  • CCSlider – Little Slider Control to allow the user to set the music/sfx/etc level in the range of 0.0f to 1.0f.
  • CCSendMessages – CCActionInstant subclass, that is more flexible than other CCActions that run functions. Can be used in many cases as blocks replacement.
  • CCScrollLayer – CCLayer subclass that lets you pass-in an array of layers and it will then create a smooth scroller. Complete with the “snapping” effect.
  • FilesDownloader – Downloader for a group of files with shared source path.

You can see the intro video for Cocos2D extensions here:

The Github page can be found here with download, and documentation in a wiki:

Looks like a very useful first release.

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