Open Source: Library To Add Color (Even Gradients) To Tab Bar Icons

Something that I have seen being asked on forums in the past is the question of how to colorize UITabBar icons, you’ve probably seen this behavior in many apps. Typically this is typically done in a completely custom tab bar class, but it can be done using core graphics to and extending apple’s UITabBarController.

I have found an open source library allowing you to do just that allowing you to set a solid color to your tab bar icons or a gradient using the custom VDTabBarController.

You can find the library along with insructions on how to implement it on Github here:

There are some limitations (image sizes of 30×30 and no system tab bar items), but if you’ve been looking to add color to your tab bar icons this looks like an easy way to do just that.  Apparently more will be added to the VDFramework in the future.

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