Open Source: Lightweight And Fast Regular Expressions Library

In the past I have mentioned some excellent libraries from Google for iOS and Mac development which includes a library for regular expressions.

Regular expressions are a topic that I see searched for very frequently on this site, often with words like “too slow” added to the search.  While the NSPredicate class added some limited regular expressions support the performance can be quite dreadful.

If you want faster performance you may want to checkout RegexKitLite.  RegexKitLite allows you to easily use regular expressions  objects while being faster and more lightweight than other solutions.  Unlike the heaver RegexKit RegexKitLite only provides additions to NSString.

You can download RegexKitLite from the RegexKit homepage here (make sure to get the Lite version):

You can read further details on RegexKitLite here:

If you want an easy drop-in solution for faster regular expressions RegexKitLite could be the solution.

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