Tutorial And Tool: Cutscenes With Cocos2D

One of the great things about the Cocos2D game engine is the ability to easily create custom animation sequences with the included  CCAction classes.   Beyond the simple animations seen is most games it is possible to create more complex animations like those seen in cutscenes.

I found an interesting tutorial today that does just that using the CCAction class along with a customized tool for developing keyframed animations.  The developers, Crocodella have also been nice enough to include a version of their own internal tool for creating cutscenes with Cocos2D.

You can find the tutorial along with a special version of the tool on their website here:
Leveraging Cocos2D Actions For Cutscenes

Overall looks like a great little tool and approach for creating cutscenes.  The editor is limited to 30 seconds of animation, but is cool nontheless.


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