Weekly Poll: Are You Excited About the White iPhone?

At long last, the white iPhone 4 is available for purchase. I lost track of how many times this thing has been delayed and how many times Mac rumor sites have claimed that it was just around the corner.

Interestingly enough, it seems that it was the camera holding it back all this time. There were issues with the white glass back leading to washed out photos. It’s fascinating that simply changing the color of the device can lead to so many unforeseen issues! Fret not however, all of these problems have been addressed and Apple has probably learned a great deal about offering color variations for future products that contain cameras.

Today we want to know whether you even care that the white iPhone has finally made it onto the scene. For all its hype, it’s still just an iPhone 4. If you’re not a fan of black though, this could be just the catalyst you needed to take the plunge and fork out the cash to upgrade that aging iPhone 3GS.

Cast your vote in the poll and leave a comment below with your thoughts. Are you buying one? Why or why not?

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