How’s that list of New Years resolutions coming along? I hope it’s got “play more iPhone games” written on it because we’ve got a nice spread of titles for you this week — including one of the most unique titles to ever hit the App Store.
And it also happens to be the last selection of the year, so take a look and welcome 2011 with some good gaming. Make sure to let us know if you’ve got any tips for us to jump start the new year!

Shift! 2
Shift! 2
Armor Games’ Shift was one of the most popular early platforming titles available for the iPhone and has remained a favourite among fans. The sequel continues the legacy with a huge selection of new levels, achievements, and even some awesome special levels that can be unlocked by scanning a code from the web or press releases.
For those unfamiliar with the game, Shift! 2 is a platform puzzler with a stylish black & white, minimalistic aesthetic and a plot somewhere between Portal and Exit. As you make your way to the end of each level, you can use the shift buttons to flip gravity and the active colour in the environment (black or white) in order to allow you to move past the obstacles and reach your goal.
The game drops you in without too much of an introduction, but the learning curve is not difficult so new players won’t have much trouble adjusting to the game mechanics. There’s a lot of character wrapped up in this package, and even a bit of humour, so any fan of platforming puzzles should have a look.
Price: $0.99
Developer: Armor Games Inc.
Download: App Store

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
As you would expect, Ultimate Mortal Kombat is a very faithful and very direct port of the arcade classic fighting game to the iOS platform. Thirteen of the characters and ten of the stages from the original have made it across, and EA has also polished up the graphics a bit.
Kombat unfolds smoothly, with all the crazy button combinations still present so you can unleash all your favourite combos and finishing moves against opponents. Luckily, you can customize button layout to suit your preference, though the need to tap precise combos on a series of relatively small buttons is still awkward on the limited real estate of an iPhone screen. The inclusion of a multiplayer segment makes it fun to beat up your friends though.
At this point, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is still a little rough around the edges, but updates are obviously coming and are likely to include refinements to performance and controls to further optimize the title for the mobile platform.
Price: $6.99 (Holiday sale for $0.99)
Developer: Electronic Arts
Download: App Store

Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Worth mentioning in the new generation of iPhone games is Mobigames’ attractive side-scroller, Perfect Cell. It shows off some spectacular pseudo-3D graphics and a smooth, intuitive control scheme and features a very engaging story to boot.
You play as an alien organism discovered at the bottom of the ocean in the heart of a crashed meteorite. Your glowing, purple squid-like body is controlled through simple taps in the direction you wish to travel. Swiping will execute a dash that can be used to attack or smash through weak barriers. Your goal is to escape from the underwater base where you were being held for study. As you progress, navigating through the levels becomes increasingly difficult as soldiers and security systems bar your way.
Perfect Cell is truly a beautiful and well-polished title that deserves more attention that it’s been getting. Any fan of solid side-scrolling action games should check it out — they won’t be disappointed.

Papa Sangre
Papa Sangre
The latest little marvel of iOS engineering is a game by Somethin’ Else called Papa Sangre. You’ve probably already read about it on various blogs, and if you haven’t, then the reason it’s been making waves is because it’s a game that’s designed to be played without visuals — it’s an auditory experience that makes use of some clever and brilliant sound design to allow you to play.
Before you drift past thinking it’s another one of those artsy games where nothing actually happens, allow me to specify that despite its unusual presentation, it is undeniably a very playable and very creepy game with a plot, goals, and so much detail in the auditory design that you will find yourself reeling at the sheer vividness of the virtual environments you’re made to imagine. It’s something that needs to be experienced to be properly understood.
The developers have crafted a work of art here, and I say that not just because I work as a composer. Papa Sangre is truly one of the few titles that brings something utterly new and unique to the table and actually executes it well too.
Price: $6.99
Developer: Somethin’ Else
Download: App Store

And speaking of pushing the envelope, Rebellion is one of the few games on the App Store that actually requires a 4th generation device (iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4) to function properly.
The plot is the first in a series that will follow the exploits of Jake Knight, and 8-year-old who is apparently going to save the universe. Looking at the graphics makes it easy to understand why you need higher end hardware to run it, since everything is rendered in attractive 3D. A variety of gameplay modes and very simple touch controls help keep the game feeling uncluttered and breezy despite the complexities running under the hood to make it all possible.
Apparently, the game is going to be ported to the Unreal Engine, just like Infinity Blade, in a future update, so that’s definitely something to look forward to as the series progresses. Meanwhile, there’s a great story and even some multiplayer to keep you busy, so if you’ve got a new device then you’ll definitely want to grab this game and make your friends jealous.
Price: $0.99
Download: App Store
What Have You Been Playing?
Have there been other titles keeping you busy this holiday season? Mention them in the comments!
Otherwise, from all of us to all of you, have a happy and fulfilling New Years celebration and we’ll see you in 2011!