Weekly Poll: Did You Switch to the iPhone From another Smartphone Platform?

It may be hard to believe, but there are in fact plenty of people out there who still own a phone whose primary function is making calls! The rest of us have fully embraced the world of mobile apps and are possibly on our second, third or even fourth smartphone purchase.

So what we want to know today is what the last smartphone operating system you used was before switching over to the iPhone. Were you a faithful Android user, a BlackBerry addict or maybe even a Palm Pre fan? Obviously, despite these being the most popular choices, there have been tons of other systems to choose from, especially in the pre-Android days! Since there is far too many in this last category to list, we’ve included an “other” category for you to write yours into.

After you cast your vote, leave a comment below and let us know the specific handsets that you’ve owned and whether or not you’ve been happy with the switch to the iPhone.

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