To thousands of people all over the world, December doesn’t bring thoughts of holidays and family time spent snuggling around a warm fire. Instead, these poor, tortured souls think only of one thing: finals. That dreadful part of the semester where your professors pelt you with countless evil tests which force you to load up on so much useless information that your brain tosses out virtually all of it as soon as you put the pencil down.
This year, make the most of your down time by sneaking in a little extra studying while waiting in line or sitting at the doctor’s office because of that dreadful cold that always waits until finals to hit you. Armed with your iPhone and the flashcard apps below, you’ll be ready to smile when Grandma asks you about your grades over Christmas dinner.
The first app that we’ll look at today is appropriately named “Cram.” This handy tool allows you to set up both flash cards and multiple choice tests so you can really knock that test out of the park. You can download pre-built tests from an online database and use images as visual hints.

For even better studying, the Cram iPhone app integrates with the Mac desktop app, a powerful personal studying tool.
Price: $3.99
iTunes Rating: ???
Ace Flashcards
Ace Flashcards is one of the simplest and best apps in this category. Whether or not you’re a fan of the index card theme and Markerfelt font, you’ll appreciate the features.
You can create custom decks of cards to study, flag those that you need to study most and focus on them, share cards with friends, download decks from Quizlet, and shake your phone to shuffle the cards.

Ace Flashcards
One place where Ace really shines is with vocabulary flashcards. All you have to do is enter a word on one side of the card and the definition will automatically be retrieved and placed on the other side!
Price: $0.99
iTunes Rating: ????½
gFlashPro – Flashcards & Tests
The biggest problem with having a flashcard app on your iPhone is the time intensive task of entering the data. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you could just throw everything into a Google Docs spreadsheet on your computer and import that information as a flashcard deck on your phone? Enter gFlashPro.
As with Cram, gFlashPro lets you create both tests and flashcard decks and lets you download pre-built decks from several different online sources.

gFlashPro – Flashcards & Tests
You can track your progress to see if you’re ready for the test and even transcend physical dimensions by giving each card up to six sides!
Price: $4.99
iTunes Rating: ???½
Flashcards Deluxe
If you’re looking for a top-notch flashcard app that does everything you can think of and more, Flashcard Deluxe is your app. The huge feature set includes the ability to integrate text, audio and images into cards, organize decks in folders and combine decks for studying, utilize a built-in dictionary, sketch out a self-graded answer, view your cards in a slideshow, back up your data to a computer, download Quizlet cards and more.

Flashcards Deluxe
Just as with the previous app, Flashcards Deluxe allows you to create flashcards right on your computer with a two-column spreadsheet or even a simple text document. There’s also Dropbox integration so getting the information from your computer to your iOS device couldn’t be easier. This app has it all!
Price: $3.99
iTunes Rating: ????½
How Do You Study?
The apps above should definitely get you off to a great start to your testing season. Remember, you’ve got the rest of your life to enjoy the finer pleasures, use the time you have left in school to study your brains out and finally pull off that 4.0 GPA! If all else fails, just write the answers on the back of a Coke bottle label (I’m kidding… or am I?).
Leave a comment below and let us know which apps you’ll be using to study for finals. Also be sure to share any studying tips you have!