We go nuclear with the updated Atomic Web Browser

Safari is great for using the web every so often and reading a few things here and there, but unfortunately it is lacking tons of features. Luckily, RichTech was kind enough to create the Atomic Web Browser, which is a fantastic Safari replacement as it has the addition of dozens of features. This app often gets new features and updates, and in fact was just updated about two weeks ago to add AutoFill and some other small things.  Loaded with tons of other features, options, and customization preferences too, Atomic Web Browser, available on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and the iPad, is much superior to Safari and absolutely worth only $0.99


Bear with me here this might be a long list, but let’s start with the ability to view web pages in full screen mode, have desktop or list style tabs, block ads, and identify as a desktop browser, which is actually pretty helpful. Various multi-touch gestures are supported and can be configured to your liking, pages can be saved, you can search for text, you can add, import, and export bookmarks, search through various search engines without having to go to their website, adjust font size, block ads and/or images, a private browsing mode, passcode lock, and rotation lock. And don’t forget what was included in the most recent update, which is AutoFill, improved multitasking functions, and a screen dimmer for the iPad version. Oh, and you can change the color scheme and show or hide the status bar too.


With all these features, you must be thinking that they don’t all work properly or there is some sort of underlying problem. Fortunately, that’s not the case. I have not had a single problem while using Atomic Web Browser. Not one bug, glitch, or flaw at all. Full screen can be toggled with a tap, and you can configure many actions to be performed by a simple swipe. Searching for text on a page is quick and easy and every other feature works great. Now while it does all of these wonderful things, there certainly are a few problems and complaints that should be worked out.

Appearance is one of these issues. You will notice the icon is not very elegant and professional, and could be redesigned to look much nicer. The browser’s actual theme could use some changes too. No matter what color you choose, it just does not look very nice and looks somewhat cheap, and not very good looking. Choosing the Safari color scheme certainly resolves this somewhat, but making it look nicer would be a welcome change.


There really isn’t much else to say about this app. Any features you wish Safari had can probably be found in Atomic Web Browser, along with other great features you never even thought of.  The creators did a great job implementing all the features and they all work to perfections. A redesigned icon and interface would make this app complete, and hopefully we’ll see that in future updates

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