HTML 5 will be the downfall of the App Store

I am pretty confident in stating that the popularity of mobile apps is more than just a passing fad. While some may wish the App Store would go the way of the pet rock and bell bottoms, most people realize it is here to stay. However, some say HTML5 is the way to go for app development on mobile devices.

Will HTML 5 be the end of the App Store as we know it? Many developers are quick to embrace it because it it cross platform so time is not spent porting an app from one platform to another. It is also a relatively easy and cheap to get started developing, which opens up the space to many more aspiring app developers and in turn many more crappy apps.

Just think, no more waiting on approvals from Apple to get your app listed. How does 100% of the app price sound instead of 70%? These two things alone should be enough to make developers think about making the switch. If those two things are not enough, there is also the whole cross platform thing I mentioned earlier.

Do I really think HTML5 will be the downfall of the App Store? No way. While all the things I listed above sound too good to be true we all know how great a lot of apps are that were developed specifically for iOS. I find it hard to believe that someone can make a cross platform app as fun as ‘Cut the Rope’ or as nice looking as ‘Kinetic’. iOS has a horde of loyal developers content with cranking out apps for the iPhone and iPad. Most couldn’t care less about developing for other platforms.

What does the Mobile Orchard community think about cross platform development?

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