How to Create a Vintage Photo Effect Action in Photoshop

Final product image
What You’ll Be Creating

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Photoshop action to add vintage photo effects to your photos. I will explain everything in so much detail that everyone can create it, even those who have just opened Photoshop for the first time.

Want to save time? Why not head on over to GraphicRiver and/or Elements, where you can purchase vintage photo effect actions and create amazing photo filters and effects fast.

You could also check out our recommended vintage photo effect Photoshop actions:

What You’ll Need

To recreate the design above, you will need the following resources:

1. How to Start Creating an Action

Step 1

First, open the photo that you want to work with. To open your photo, go to File > Open, choose your photo, and click Open. Now, before we get started, just check a couple of things:

  1. Your photo should be in RGB Color mode, 8 Bits/Channel. To check this, go to Image > Mode.
  2. For best results, your photo size should be 2000–4000 px wide/high. To check this, go to Image > Image Size.
  3. Your photo should be the Background layer. If it is not, go to Layer > New > Background from Layer.
Checking image size and mode

Step 2

Now go to Window > Actions, and in the Actions panel click on the menu icon in the top right-hand corner, choose New Set to create a new set, and name it Vintage Effect. Then, click on the same menu icon again, choose New Action to create a new action, and name it Vintage Effect as shown below:

Creating new action

2. How to Add Textures

Step 1

In this section, we are going to add a few textures. Go to File > Place Embedded, select the texture from the first texture link, and click Place. Then, set the Width and Height of the texture to 125% and Angle to 90 as shown below. After that, name this layer Texture_1.

Placing texture

Step 2

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Multiply and set the Opacity to 60%.

Changing blending mode and opacity

Step 3

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White to create a new black and white adjustment layer and name it Texture_1_Desaturate.

Creating new black and white adjustment layer

Step 4

Now press Control-Alt-G on your keyboard to create a clipping mask. Then, change the Blending Mode of this layer to Color.

Changing blending mode

Step 5

Select the Background layer, go to File > Place Embedded, select the texture from the first texture link, and click Place. Then, set the Width and Height of the texture to 155% as shown below. After that, name this layer Texture_2.

Placing texture

Step 6

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Multiply and set the Opacity to 58%.

Changing blending mode and opacity

Step 7

Select the Texture_1_Desaturate layer and press Control-J on your keyboard to duplicate it. Then, drag this layer just above the Texture_2 layer in the Layers panel and press Control-Alt-G on your keyboard to create a clipping mask. After that, name this layer Texture_2_Desaturate.

Duplicating layer

3. How to Create the Textures

Step 1

In this section, we are going to create some textures. Select the Texture_1_Desaturate layer, go to Layer > New > Layer to create a new layer, and name it Vertical Grain.

Creating new layer

Step 2

Now go to Edit > Fill, and set Contents to 50% Gray, Blending to Normal, and Opacity to 100% as shown below. Then, press Control-J on your keyboard to duplicate this layer.

Filling layer

Step 3

Hide this layer and select the Vertical Grain layer. Then, go to Filter > Filter > Gallery > Texture > Grain and set the Intensity to 40, Contrast to 50, and Grain Type to Vertical.

Adding grain filter

Step 4

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Soft Light and set the Opacity to 45%.

Changing blending mode and opacity

Step 5

Select and show the Vertical Grain copy layer. Then, go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise, set the Amount to 12.5% and Distribution to Gaussian, and check the Monochromatic option.

Adding add noise filter

Step 6

Now go to Image > Auto Tone and then Image > Auto Contrast to make some auto-corrections to the layer’s tone and contrast. Then, change the Blending Mode of this layer to Soft Light and name it Noise.

Changing blending mode

4. How to Make the Final Adjustments

Step 1

In this section, we are going to make the final adjustments. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation to create a new hue/saturation adjustment layer and name it Overall Saturation.

Creating new hue and saturation adjustment layer

Step 2

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Color. Then, Double-click on this layer thumbnail and, in the Properties panel, set the Saturation to -60.

Adjusting saturation

Step 3

Press D on your keyboard to reset the swatches. Then, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map to create a new gradient map adjustment layer and name it Overall Contrast.

Creating new gradient map adjustment layer

Step 4

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Vivid Light and set the Opacity to 38%.

Changing blending mode and opacity

Step 5

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels to create a new levels adjustment layer, and name it Overall Brightness.

Creating new levels adjustment layer

Step 6

Now Double-click on this layer thumbnail and, in the Properties panel, enter the settings below:

Adjusting levels

Step 7

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map to create a new gradient map adjustment layer and name it Color Look.

Creating new gradient map adjustment layer

Step 8

Now Double-click on this layer thumbnail, and then in the Properties panel, click on the gradient to open up the Gradient Editor panel and enter the settings below:

Adjusting gradient map
The left color stop has color 592d0a, and the right color stop has color fede5d.

Step 9

Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Screen and set the Opacity to 30%.

Changing blending mode and opacity

Step 10

Now press Control-Alt-Shift-E on your keyboard to make a screenshot, and then press Control-Shift-U to desaturate this layer. Then, go to Filter > Other > High Pass and set the Radius to 10 px.

Adding high pass filter

Step 11

Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Soft Light and set the Opacity to 50%. Then, name this layer Overall Sharpening.

Changing blending mode and opacity

You Made It!

Congratulations, you have succeeded! You have now learned how to create a vintage, faded photo effect action using various photo filters and effects. Here is our final result:

Final result

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