How to Make a Product Box and Flash Drive Mock-up

In this tutorial you will learn how to make your own mock-up image of a flash drive and product box using the Rectangle Tool, Pen Tool, 3D Extrude & Bevel and various Gradients.

Step 1

Select the Rectangle tool (M) and draw a rectangle with dimensions W: 596px by H: 452px.

Step 2

Create the symbols you will apply to the box. I created four symbols in one. After you create the shapes, slide them into the Symbol panel, have a look at the picture below.

Step 3

Select the rectangle from Step 1 and go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel, enter the following settings: Specify rotation around the X axis: 0, Specify rotation around the Y axis: -38, Specify rotation around the Z axis: 0, Perspective: 58, Extrude Depth: 100pt, turn on Preview to see in advance the perspective, then click on the Map Art button and apply the symbols you created in Step 2, click OK and straight after that go to Object > Expand Appearance.

Step 4

Select the Pen tool (P), create a shape in the bottom part of the box as shown below and fill with Linear Gradient colors R:239 G:133 B:43 to R:191 G:106 B:34

Step 5

Select the Rectangle tool (M), draw a rectangle with rounded corners, Radius: 30px over all other shapes. After you round the corners, go to Object > Expand Appearance.

Step 6

Now you need to remove the rounded corners on the left side of the shape from the previous step. To do this, draw a rectangle which will cover the shape’s rounded corners, then select the shape from the previous step and the rectangle you created earlier, open the Pathfinder panel and click on the Minus Front button.

Step 7

With the shape still selected, go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel. In the new opening window enter the following settings: Specify rotation around the X axis: 0, Specify rotation around the Y axis: 0, Specify rotation around the Z axis: 0, Perspective: 58, Extrude Depth: 0pt. Of course you can add another symbol if you want as well. Click OK, go to Object > Expand Appearance and fill the shape with Linear Gradient colors R:242 G:242 B:242 to R:240 G:230 B:225 and edit the left key points as shown in the picture below.

Step 8

Copy the shape you created in the previous step twice using Control + C followed by Control + F, again click Control + F, slide the second copy downward and to the left, then edit the points as shown in the picture below. Now select the first copy and the copy you moved downward and to the left and edit the points, open the Pathfinder panel, click on the Minus Front button and fill the shape with Linear Gradient. To do this, open the Gradient panel by going to Window > Gradient (Control + F9). You need four gradient sliders. For the first from left to right select color R:209 G:201 B:196 with Location: 0%, for the second one R:145 G:145 B:149, Location: 30%, for the third one R:164 G:163 B:163, Location: 62% and for the fourth one R:95 G:94 B:96, Location: 100% and Angle: 90 degrees.

Step 9

Select the Pen tool (P), create a shape on the left side of the box in position as shown in the picture below and fill with Linear Gradient dark grey to light grey.

Step 10

Copy the shape from the previous step using Control + C, click Control + B behind it, change the color to black. Move the copy a few pixels to the left, apply Gaussian Blur, Radius: 14px and reduce the Opacity: 35px

Step 11

Select the Pen tool (P) and create a shape in the top part under the shapes from Steps 9 and 10 and fill it with black.

Step 12

Create another shape in the bottom side in position as shown and fill it with Linear Gradient. Then apply Outer Glow with the settings: Mode: Multiply, black color, Opacity: 75%, Blur: 4px. Also apply Gaussian Blur, Radius: 5,2px and reduce the Opacity: 60%.

Step 13

Copy the shape from Step 8 using Control + C followed by Control + F. Move the copy over all others by going to Object > Arrange > Bring To Front, then create a shape using the Pen tool (P) which will cover the top part of the shape we moved over all others. Select both shapes, open the Pathfinder panel, click on the Minus Front button and fill the new shape with Linear Gradient, also apply Gaussian Blur with Radius: 5,2px and change the Blending Mode from Normal to Overlay.

Step 14

Create another shape in the bottom part in position as shown below, fill it with color R:247 G:237 B:232, apply Inner Glow with the following settings: Mode: Normal, color #5E5E5E, Opacity: 75%, Blur: 2px and click OK.

Step 15

Again, using the Pen tool (P), create a shape with black color in the top left part of the box under all others, have a look at the picture below.

Step 16

In this step we’ll go back near the beginning. Select the Direct Selection tool (A), click on the bigger shape from Step 2 and fill it with the color R:217 G:217 B:217, then click on the left side of the box and fill it with the color R:247 G:237 B:232, now copy the last shape you changed the color to using Control + C followed by Control + F. Fill the copy with Linear Gradient. To do this, open the Gradient panel. You need three Gradient Sliders. For the first one from left to right select the color R:145 G:145 B:149, for the second one R:164 G:163 B:163 and for the third one R:95 G:94 B:96. Change the Blending Mode from Normal to Multiply and reduce the Opacity: 70%. Draw a line in position as shown with Stroke Color R:102 G:102 B:102, Weight: 1px and apply Gaussian Blur with Radius: 5,6px.

We are finished with the box. In the next steps we’ll create the flash drive.

Step 17

Select the Ellipse tool (L), draw an ellipse as shown below, then go to Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel, enter the following settings: Specify rotation around the X axis: 58, Specify rotation around the Y axis: -20, Specify rotation around the Z axis: 62, Perspective: 80, Extrude Depth: 190pt, click on the More Options button and enter the settings as shown below.

Step 18

Select the Pen tool (P), create a shape in position as shown in the picture below and fill it with Linear Gradient, have a look at the picture below.

Step 19

Create another shape under the previous one and fill it with Linear Gradient as shown in the picture below.

Step 20

We continue adding the necessary shapes of the flash drive as shown below.

Step 21

Now select all the shapes of the flash drive and group them by going to Object > Group.

Step 22

With the group selected, copy it using Control + C followed by Control + F. Then go to Object > Expand Appearance, then open the Pathfinder panel and click on the Add To Shape Area button.

Step 23

With the shape that appeared in the previous step selected, go to Object > Path > Offset Path. In the new opening window set Offset: 5px, click OK. You’ll notice that the shape is duplicated in a bigger size after you applied Offset. You can delete the smaller shape and fill the bigger one with Linear Gradient as shown below and change the Blending Mode from Normal to Multiply, reduce the Opacity: 32% and go to Object > Path > Offset Path, set Offset: -2px, click OK and increase the Opacity: 48%.

Step 24

Select the Pen tool (P), create shapes in position as shown in the picture below and fill them with Linear Gradient.

Step 25

Select the Pen tool (P), create a few shapes over all others, fill them with color, apply Radial Blur with settings: Amount: 100, Blur Method: Spin, Quality: Good, click OK and with this done we are finished.


Finally you can add background, shadow and reflection in any way you like. Here is the result.

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