How to Move Audio Between DAWs

This three part screencast looks at how to successfully export and move your audio from an existing project in one DAW to another. Here I have used Logic Pro 9 and Cubase 5 but you can use the techniques shown here in literally any two applications.

I cut the process up into three parts because it would of been 15 minutes long in one piece and you all would of fallen asleep. Apologies if I pick up the pace a little as I go but I realised I might be talking for an hour or so if I didn’t wrap it up! Anyway I hope this is helpful to you and please let me know if you have any suggestions for future screencasts.

Part 1

The original project is prepped for export.
View a high resolution version here.

Part 2

The correct settings are applied and the initial parts exported.
View a high resolution version here.

Part 3

The freshly exported parts are brought into Cubase and checked.
View a high resolution version here.

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