Today I have something really special and actually kind of gory prepped for all of you Evil Dead fans out
there. Yup, today we are going to create a one of a kind themed icon pack that
will blow your socks off, using some of the most basic tools that Illustrator
has to offer.
Oh, and before I forget, you can always
expand the pack, by checking out GraphicRiver where you’ll find tons of horror
themed icon packs just waiting to be grabbed.
1. How to Set Up a New Document
Since I’m sure that you already
have Illustrator up and running in the background, bring it up and let’s set up
a New Document (File > New or Control-N)
using the following settings:
of Artboards: 1
- Width:
px - Height:
px - Units:
And from the Advanced tab:
- Color
Mode: RGB - Raster
Effects: Screen (72ppi) - Align New Objects to Pixel Grid: checked

2. How to Set Up a Custom
Since we’re going
to be creating the icons using a pixel-perfect workflow, we’ll want to set up a
nice little Grid so that we can have full control over our shapes.
Step 1
Go to the Edit > Preferences > Guides &
Grid submenu, and adjust the following settings:
- Gridline
every: 1 px - Subdivisions: 1

Quick tip: you can learn more
about grids by reading this in-depth piece on how Illustrator’s Grid System
Step 2
Once we’ve set up our custom grid, all we
need to do in order to make sure our shapes look crisp is enable the Snap to Grid option found under the View menu, which will transform into Snap to Pixel each time you enter Pixel Preview mode.
Now, if you’re new to the whole “pixel-perfect
workflow”, I strongly recommend you go through my how to create pixel-perfect
artwork tutorial, which will help you widen your technical skills in no time.
3. How to Set Up the Layers
With the New Document created, it would be
a good idea to structure our project using a couple of layers, since this way
we can maintain a steady workflow by focusing on one icon at a time.
That being said, bring up the Layers panel, and create a total of
four layers, which we will rename as follows:
- layer 1 > reference grids
- layer 2 > tape player
- layer 3 > book
- layer 4 > chainsaw

4. How to Create the
Reference Grids
Reference Grids (or Base Grids)
are a set of precisely delimited reference surfaces, which allow us to build
our icons by focusing on size and consistency.
Usually, the size of the grids determines
the size of the actual icons, and they should always be the first decision you
make on you start a new project, since you’ll always want to start from the
smallest possible size and build on that.
Now, in our case, we’re going to be
creating the icon pack using just one size, more exactly 128 x 128 px, which is a fairly large one.
Step 1
Start by locking all
but the reference grid layer, and then grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a 128 x 128 px orange (#F15A24
) square, which will help define the
overall size of our icons.

Step 2
Add a smaller 120 x 120 px one (#FFFFFF
) which will
act as our active drawing area, thus giving us an all-around 4 px padding.

Step 3
Group the two squares composing the
reference grid using the Control-G keyboard
shortcut, and then create two copies at a distance of 40 px from one another, making sure to align them to the center of
the Artboard.
Once you’re done,
lock the current layer and move on to the next one where we’ll start working on
our first icon.

5. How to Create the Tape Player/Recorder
We’re going to
kick off the project, by creating the classic Panasonic tape recorder from the
movie, so make sure you’re on the right layer (that would be the second one)
and then zoom in on the first reference grid and let’s get started!
Step 1
Create the main shape of the device by grabbing the Rectangle Tool (M) and using it to draw
a 112 x 96 px rectangle (#CCCCCC
which we will position in the lower section of the active drawing area, leaving
a 4 px gap for the outline.

Step 2
Give the shape that we’ve just created an outline using the Offset Path method, by selecting it and then going to Object > Path >
Offset Path and entering 4 px into
the Offset value field.

Step 3
Change the fill color of the
outline that we’ve just created to #3F3939
so that it will stand out from the
grey shape.

Step 4
Create the upper section of the recorder by adding a 112 x 56 px rectangle (#595252
) to its
top side, aligning it to the edge of the underlying shape.

Step 5
Separate the darker section from the lighter one by adding a 112 x 4 px rectangle right underneath
it, coloring it using (#3F3939

Step 6
Add the little
screws by creating four 4 x 4 px circles
which we will color using #3F3939
, and then position in the corners of the
device, leaving a 2 px space gap
around them.
Once you’re done, select and group all the shapes that we have so far
using the Control-G keyboard

Step 7
Start working on the left reel wheel, by creating a 44 x 44 px circle (#777373
) with a 4 px thick outline (#3F3939
) which we will group (Control-G) and then position in the
recorder’s top-left corner.

Step 8
Isolate the wheel by double clicking on it, and then create the center
section by drawing a 12 x 12 px circle
) on top of which we’ll add a smaller 4 x 4 px one (#CCCCCC
), and an even smaller 2 x 2 px one (#3F3939
) afterwards, grouping all three shapes
together (Control-G).

Step 9
Start working on the little wheel cutouts by adding a 12 x 10 px rectangle (#3F3939
) at a
distance of 2 px from its center
section, which we will adjust by individually selecting and pushing its bottom
anchor points towards the inside by 4 px
(right click > Transform > Move
> Horizontal > + / – 4 px depending on which anchor you start with).

Step 10
Add the round section to the cutout’s top edge by creating a 12 x 4 px ellipse (#3F3939
which we will cut in half and then position over it, grouping the two shapes
together (Control-G) afterwards.

Step 11
Add the rest of
the cutouts by creating three copies (Control-C
> Control-F) of the one that we’ve just created, and then positioning
them around the wheel’s center, keeping the same 2 px distance from it.
Once you’re done, exit Isolation
Mode by pressing Escape.

Step 12
Add the right reel wheel to the opposite corner of the recorder, by
creating a copy (Control-C >
Control-F) of the one that we have, and then aligning it to the right side
of the larger outline.

Step 13
Start working on the slider that goes between the two reels by
creating a 4 x 12 px rectangle (#494040
with a 4 px thick outline (#3F3939
which we will position in the center of the device, 10 px from its outline’s top edge.

Step 14
Start adding
details to the slider (1) by creating and positioning a 2 x 12 px rectangle (#3F3939
) in its center (2), and then
adding a 4 x 4 px square (#7C7777
on its bottom edge (3). Turn the square into a button by adding a 4 x 2 px outline to its top edge (4),
and a smaller 2 x 2 px rectangle (#3F3939
right under it (5).
Once you’re done, select and group all the slider’s elements together
using the Control-G keyboard

Step 15
Add an 8 x 4 px rectangle (#3F3939
underneath the slider that we’ve just created, positioning it 2 px from it and grouping them together
afterwards (Control-G).

Step 16
Add a small 2 x 2 px circle
) followed by a 4 x 2 px rectangle
) positioned 2 px from it,
and then group (Control-G) and
position the two over in the darker section’s lower left corner, leaving a 4 px gap on their left side and a
smaller 2 px one on their
bottom side.

Step 17
Start working on the case holding the reeling mechanism by creating a 32 x 18 px rectangle (#848383
) with a 4 px outline (#3F3939
), which we will
position in the center, aligning it to the horizontal outline’s top edge.

Step 18
Add the lower section of the case, by creating a 32 x 6 px rectangle (#E8D9D9
) followed by a 32 x 4 px one (#3F3939
) above it.

Step 19
Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to
add the little dummy text, by creating a 16
x 2 px shape (#3F3939
) followed by a smaller 6 x 2 px one at a distance of 2
px from it. Group the two and then position them in the center of the
light grey shape.

Step 20
Add the upper section of the case by creating a 40 x 14 px rectangle, which we will color using #3F3939
and then
position over the shapes that we’ve just created, leaving a 2 px gap between it and the
horizontal outline.

Step 21
Adjust the shape that we’ve just created by adding a new Anchor Point in the center of its
bottom edge, and then selecting and pushing its bottom-right one towards the
top by 6 px (right click > Transform > Move > Vertical > – 6 px).

Step 22
Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to
add a couple of details above the horizontal outline, by drawing a 2 x 2 px rectangle (#3F3939
) followed
by a smaller 2 x 1 px one (#3F3939
positioned 2 px from it, and
another 4 x 1 px one (#3F3939
at an 8 px distance from the second

Step 23
Finish off the
mechanism case by adding the little reel wheel, which we will create using an 8 x 8 px circle (#3F3939
) on top of
which we’ll add a 4 x 4 px one (#595252
and a smaller 2 x 2 px one (#3F3939
Group the wheel’s composing shapes together (Control-G), making sure to position them underneath the lower
section of the case, and then group its shapes as well.

Step 24
Using the Pen Tool (P), draw two diagonal rectangles that
start from the reeling case and end in the lower section of the wheels,
coloring them using #3F3939
. Once you’re done, select them and the case and
group them using the Control-G keyboard

Step 25
Start working on the level indicator, by creating a 10 x 6 px rectangle (#595252
) to which we will add a thinner 2 px outline (#595252
) using the Offset Path method, and then position
the two shapes on the lower grey section’s left side, leaving a 4 px gap around them.

Step 26
Start adding
details to the indicator (1), by creating and positioning a 10 x 3 px rectangle (#868282
) in its
top half (2). Then, add two pairs of 1 x 2 px rectangles (#3F3939
) positioned 1 px from one another, leaving a 2 px gap between them (3), and a 2 px wide / 4 px tall pointy indicator (#3F3939
) using the Pen Tool (P) which we will position in the middle (4).
Once you’re done, select all the indicator’s composing shapes and group
them together (Control-G).

Step 27
Add the little record button that sits next to the indicator by
creating a 2 x 4 px rectangle (#BA4545
with a 2 px outline (#3F3939
), which
we will group (Control-G) and then
position on its right side at a distance of 7 px.

Step 28
Create the first knob using a 4 x
4 px circle (#7C7777
) with a 2 px outline
), on top of which we will add a smaller 2 x 2 px circle (#3F3939
) which we will align to its top edge. Once
you’re done, select and group all three shapes together, positioning them
underneath the level indicator, at a distance of 8 px.

Step 29
Add the second knob by using a copy of the one that we’ve just created (Control-C > Control-F), and
positioning it on the right side, at a distance of 6 px from the original.

Step 30
Add a 2 x 2 px circle (#3F3939
to each side of the second knob, positioning them right under its bottom edge,
and then select and group both them and the knob together using the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

Step 31
Add the lower
dummy text by creating a 12 x 4 px rectangle
), followed by a smaller 6 x 4 px
one (#3F3939
) positioned 2 px from
it, and then adjust the two by selecting the inner bottom Anchor Points with the Direct
Selection Tool (A) and pushing them towards the left side by 2 px.
Once you’re done, group (Control-G)
the resulting shapes, and position them 4
px from the bottom edge of the mechanism’s case.

Step 32
Create the sound monitor button using a 4 x 2 px rectangle (#595252
) with a 2 px outline (#3F3939
) and a 2
x 2 px divider (#3F3939
) in the center, which we will group (Control-G) and position at a distance
of 2 px from the case’s bottom-right

Step 33
Add three 2 x 2 px circles (#3F3939
positioned 2 px from one another,
which we will group (Control-G) and
then position underneath the button that we’ve just created, leaving a 2 px gap between them.

Step 34
Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and create the main
control switch using a 4 x 20 px shape
) (1) to which we will add two side Anchor Points at 12 px from
its top edge (2), and another pair 2
px from its bottom one (2).
With the Anchors in place,
adjust the shape by pushing the bottom ones towards the inside by 1 px (3), setting the Corner Radius of the bottom corners to 1 px from within the Transform Panel (3). Finish the shape
by giving it a 2 px outline (#3F3939
(4) and a 2 x 4 px rectangle to its
upper section (5).

Step 35
Group (Control-G) and
position the switch that we’ve just created over on the recorder’s right side,
leaving a 16 px gap on its right
side and a 6 px one
on the top.

Step 36
Add a couple of indicators
to the switch using a 2 x 2 px circle
) for the top and right one, and a 4
x 2 px rounded rectangle (#3F3939
) with a 1 px Corner Radius for the side ones.
Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G)
them together with the switch, and then do the same for all of the recorder’s
shapes as well.

Step 37
Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and
start working on the handle by creating a 2
x 2 px square (#CCCCCC
) with a 4 px outline
) which we will group (Control-G)
and position on top of our recorder, at a distance of 36 px from its left side.

Step 38
Create a copy (Control-C >
Control-F) of the handle’s lower section that we’ve just created, and then
position it on the right side, maintaining the same 36 px distance.

Step 39
Add the side sections of the handle using two 4 x 16 px rectangles (#3F3939
) which we will position towards the
outer sides of the lower sections that we’ve just created.

Step 40
Finish off the handle and with it the icon itself, by adding a 40 x 6 px rectangle (#3F3939
) between the two side sections that we’ve created in the previous step,
grouping (Control-G) both them and
the remaining composing shapes together afterwards.

6. How to Create the
Assuming you’ve already locked the previous layer and moved on to the
next one, zoom in on the second reference grid, and let’s start working on the gruesome
book that Sam Raimi used to give birth to his masterpiece.
Step 1
Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and
create the main shape of the icon using a 84
x 112 px rectangle, which we will color using #B57A5D
, give a 4 px outline (#3F3939
) and then
position in the center of the active drawing area.

Step 2
Add a 4 x
112 px rectangle on the left side of the brown book cover, and color
it using #A05C3F

Step 3
Using the Rectangle Tool (M), add a 4 x 112 px vertical outline (#3F3939
) to the right side of the
shape that we’ve just created.

Step 4
Add two 4 x 4 px squares to the
section that we’ve just created, positioning each one of them at 12 px from the book’s outer outline.
Once you’re done, select all the shapes that
we’ve created so far and group them using the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

Step 5
Start working on the Necronomicon’s left eye by
creating a 12 x 6 px ellipse (#F4E6C6
which we will adjust by pinching its left and right Anchor Points using the Anchor
Point Tool to make them pointy. Give the resulting shape a 4 px outline (#3F3939
) and then group (Control-G) and position them on the book’s left side.

Step 6
Create the section from underneath the eye, by drawing a 22 x 24 px ellipse (#A05C3F
) (1) and
then adding a smaller 18 x 20 px one
) on top of it (2). Adjust both shapes by removing their upper half
(3), and then group (Control-G) and
position them underneath the eye (right
click > Arrange > Send Backward) (4). Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select and move their bottom Anchor Points towards the left side by 2 px (5).
Create the upper arched line section, by drawing
a 16 x 22 px ellipse (#3F3939
) (6)
which we will align to the bottom right section of the eye, cutting out a
smaller 12 x 18 px one from it (7)
(highlighted with orange). Adjust the resulting shape by removing its bottom
and left halves (8) and then add a small 2
x 2 px circle (#3F3939
) to its top end, grouping (Control-G) all the shapes together afterwards.

Step 7
Grab a copy (Control-C > Control-G) of the eye that we’ve just finished
adding details to, and position it on the right side of the book, flipping it
vertically (right click > Transform
> Reflect > Vertical).

Step 8
Start working on
the nose’s left section, by creating a 2
x 2 px circle (#91472D
) (1) followed by a slightly larger 4 x 4 px one (#91472D
) positioned under
it at a distance of 6 px (1). Use
the Direct Selection Tool (A) to
select and remove (Delete) the
inner-facing Anchor Points, uniting
the remaining paths using the Control-J keyboard
shortcut (2).
Give the resulting shape a 2 px thick
outline (#3F3939
) (3) and a small arched line segment towards the top (4), selecting and grouping (Control-G) all the shapes together

Step 9
Position the nose section onto the Necronomicon,
next to the left eye, and then create the right half using a reflected (right click > Transform > Reflect
> Vertical) copy (Control-C >
Control-F) of it, grouping the two afterwards (Control-G).

Step 10
Grab the Pen
Tool (P) and use it to draw the main shape for the mouth, setting your fill color to #91472D
. Take your time,
and once you’re done give it the usual 4 px thick outline (#3F3939
) positioning the two underneath the
nose, at a distance of 4 px from it.

Step 11
Using the Rectangle Tool (M), add a couple of 2 px wide shapes (#F4E6C6
), which we
will turn into teeth by giving them a 2
px outline (#3F3939
) and then positioning them around the mouth. Adjust
some of the teeth so that they end up looking crooked, since we are creating a
demonic figure after all.
Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G)
all the teeth together, masking them using a copy of the mouth’s shape (right click > Make Clipping Mask).

Step 12
Finish off the icon by grabbing the Pen Tool (P) and using it to add the little stretch lines to the
book’s “skin”. Use a 2 px thick Stroke (#3F3939
) with the Cap set to Round, and gradually draw the paths
using the reference image as a guide.

Step 13
Once you’re done, group all the stretch lines together (Control-G) and then do the same for the
icon itself.

7. How to Create the
We are now down to
our third and last icon of the bunch, which is probably one of the most insane
contraptions ever built to save humankind.
I’m assuming that by now you already know the drill, so let’s get
Step 1
Select the Rectangle Tool (M) and
create the chainsaw’s metal cuff, using a 14
x 4 px shape which we will color using #CCCCCC
, give a 4 px thick outline (#3F3939
), and then position on the bottom edge
of the active drawing area, at a distance of 40 px from its left side.

Step 2
Start adding
details to the cuff (1), by creating and positioning a 14 x 2 px rectangle (#3F3939
) in the center of the grey shape (2),
and then adding a 2 x 4 px one
) 2 px from its right
edge (3). Add the little side bolts using a 1 x 4 px rectangle (#3F3939
) (4) on top of which we’ll add a 2 x 2 px square (#3F3939
) (5).
Once you’re done, select and group all the cuff’s composing shapes
together using the Control-G keyboard

Step 3
Create the
chainsaw’s body using a 32 x 42 px rectangle (#D85144
) (1) which we will adjust by first setting the Corner Radius of its top-right corner to 8 px (2) and its bottom ones to 2 px (2). Then, we’ll grab the Add
Anchor Point Tool (+) and add two new anchors
to its right side, one 12 px from
its top, and another one 8 px from
its bottom (3).
Select the three
bottom anchors using the Direct Selection Tool (A) and push them
towards the left by 8 px (3),
adjusting the transition between the upper and bottom section of the body (4).
Once you’re done, give the resulting shape a 4 px outline (#3F3939
) (5) and then group the two together using
the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

Step 4
Position the chainsaw’s body onto the cuff, at a distance of 34 px from the active drawing area’s
left edge.

Step 5
Add the body’s back section, by creating a 4 x 38 px rectangle (#BF4741
), which we will adjust by setting the Corner Radius of its bottom-right
corner to 2 px. Give the resulting
shape a 4 px outline (#3F3939
) and
then group (Control-G) and position
the two underneath the body’s right side (right
click > Arrange > Send to Back), aligning them to the outline’s top

Step 6
Grab the Rounded Rectangle Tool and
create a 36 x 2 px shape (#595252
with a 1 px Corner Radius, give it a
2 px outline (#3F3939
) and then
group (Control-G) and position the
two 8 px from the large outline’s
top edge.

Step 7
Next, create a 1 x 10 px rectangle
) with a 2 px outline (#3F3939
which we will group (Control-G) and
position on the body’s right side, underneath the grey handle (right click > Arrange > Send to Back), exactly 4 px from the outline’s
top edge.

Step 8
Start working on the chainsaw’s side section, by creating an 18 x 18 px circle (#595252
) with a 2 px outline (#3F3939
) which we will
position exactly 2 px from the
grey handle’s outline, leaving a 2 px gap on its left side.

Step 9
Start adding details to the side section (1) by adding a vertical 22 x 2 px rectangle followed by another
2 x 22 px horizontal one, and two
thinner diagonal ones, which we will center over the grey shape, coloring them
using #3F3939
(2). Then, add a smaller 14
x 14 px circle (#3F3939
) (3) followed by an even smaller 10 x 10 px one (#CCCCCC
) (4). Add two 2 x 12 px rectangles (#3F3939
positioned 2 px from one another in the center,
selecting and grouping (Control-G)
all the side section’s composing shapes afterwards.

Step 10
Using the Pen Tool (P), draw
the little diagonal ignition handle using #E5C489
as your fill color and #3F3939
for its 2 px outline. Once you’re
done, group (Control-G) and position
the two shapes over on the side
section’s bottom-right “corner”.

Step 11
With the Pen Tool (P) still
selected, draw a little diagonal reinforcement line (#3F3939
) connecting the
metal cuff to the right side of the chainsaw’s body.

Step 12
Next, grab a copy (Control-C >
Control-F) of one of the metal cuff’s bolts, and position it over on the
right side of the chainsaw’s body, at a distance of 32 px from the outline’s top edge.

Step 13
Add a small insertion to the upper section of the chainsaw’s body by creating
a 4 x 6 px ellipse (#3F3939
) which
we will overlap with its outline, positioning it 8 px from its right side.

Step 14
Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw the little
outfacing section found on the left side of the chainsaw’s body, coloring the resulting
shape using #3F3939
Once you’re done, select all the main body’s shapes that we have so far
and group them using the Control-G keyboard

Step 15
Create the main shape for the top handle using a 20 x 42 px rounded rectangle (#3F3939
) with a 4 px Corner Radius, from
which we will cut out a smaller 16 x 38
px one with a 2 px Corner Radius,
positioning the resulting shape underneath the chainsaw’s body (right click > Arrange > Send to Back),
making sure to align it to the outline’s top edge.

Step 16
Create the wooden section of the handle by drawing a 4 x 26 px rectangle, which we will
color using #E5C489
, give a 2 px outline
) and then group (Control-G). Then position the two shapes in the middle of the handle’s right section, making
sure to send them to its back (right
click > Arrange > Send to Back).

Step 17
Add two 1 x 2 px rectangles (#3F3939
to each of the wooden handle’s sides, grouping (Control-G) all its composing shapes together afterwards.

Step 18
Finish off the top handle by adding a 2 x 1 px rectangle (#3F3939
) to its bottom right corner, grouping (Control-G) all the shapes afterwards.

Step 19
Create the main shape for the blade using a 16 x 62 px rectangle (#CCCCCC
) which we will adjust by setting the Corner Radius of its top corners to 8 px from within the Transform Panel.

Step 20
Continue adjusting
the blade by adding two pairs of side Anchor
Points, one 36 px from its
top edge, and another one 2 px from
its bottom one. Select each of the bottom side anchor points and push them towards
the inside by 2 px, smoothing out
the sides as seen in the reference image. Give the resulting shape a 4 px thick outline (#3F3939
), and then
finish the blade by adding the curved delimiter and the little 2 x 2 px circle (#3F3939
) acting as a
Group all the composing elements together, and then make sure to
position them underneath the chainsaw’s body (right click > Arrange > Send to Back).

Step 21
Finish off the
icon by adding a little 8 x 2 px rectangle
) to the blade’s bottom section, which we will adjust by individually
selecting and pushing its top Anchor
Points to the inside by 1 px.
Once you’re done, select and group all its composing shapes together using
the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

The End
There you have it: a nice little Evil Dead themed icon pack that any
true fan would kill for. I hope you’ve found the steps easy to follow and most
importantly learned something new during the process.

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