Three Weeks of Spooky Content and the Skull Decoration Challenge!

There are two events in the annual calendar that are responsible for a huge portion of our inspiration as vector artists. It just so happens these days are side by side… Halloween and Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos).

This year, Tuts+ is giving you three weeks of vector educational content inspired by Halloween and Day of the Dead, and we’re kicking off a new Community Project. Let’s jump in and see what we’ve got planned over the next three weeks!

Halloween and Day of the Dead Are Coming!

All your favorite regular Tuts+ writers have came together to cover their favorite themes to do with the spooky holidays. Ranging from beginner quick tips all the way to more advanced tutorials. We even have a collaboration between two of our regular authors, Monika Zagrobelna and Miss Chat*Z.

Below is a sneak peek at what we have in store for you, every week day, this coming three weeks, ranging from print tutorials to illustration to text effect and icons – there’s plenty for the scalable lover to follow!

Halloween and Day of the Dead on Tuts+
Is there a concept you’re looking forward to seeing?

Get Involved: Skull Decoration Challenge!

As part of celebrating these inspiring events, we’re happy to announce the start of our Skull Decoration Challenge. You’ll have just two and a half weeks to decorate and modify our skull template.

Halloween and Day of the Dead on Tuts+
Here is our base skull illustration to work from.

The beauty of decorating a skull in this challenge, is that you have multiple options. You can decorate it in either a Day of the Dead style or even Halloween. You may go completely off the tracks and try something completely unique and non-event-related… it’s completely up to you!

Regular author, Chris Carey, has gone down the traditional route with a sugar skull design.

Halloween and Day of the Dead on Tuts+

Such pretty patterns work well with the skull template.

Regular author, Mary Winkler, went away from the theme in her example of decorating the skull. Check out her Disco Skull!

Halloween and Day of the Dead on Tuts+
Not what you’d expect from a skull!

Interested in Decorating a Skull?

Would you like to participate in the Tuts+ Workshop: Skull Decoration Challenge? You have until the 30th October 2013 to finish and upload your skull to be included in the showcase article.

How to Enter this Tuts+ Workshop:

  1. Download the skull template – which includes an AI CS and EPS 10 version of the skull. Then modify it to whatever you wish!
  2. Upload your design to the comments here on this article, making sure the width of the design is a fixed width of 600 pixels. The art board is set to 600 pixels, so you shouldn’t have to alter anything.
  3. Add your name, website (if any) and a short bio about you.
  4. That’s it! We’ll do the rest and collate all designs and showcase them at the end of the three weeks!


  • Artwork must be uploaded to comments no later than 30th October 2013, this is due to publishing the total showcase on the 1st November 2013!
  • Artwork can be any style or theme as long as it’s vector and 100% your own work.
  • It’s up to you how you approach this challenge. You can modify the lines, colors, add patterns, gradients and more!
  • You don’t have to spend hours and hours on your piece, the project’s aim is to be fun, fast and individual.
  • You may submit more than one design.
  • When you publish your work on this article, you agree that the graphic can be included in one or more articles on Tuts+ and perhaps shared with other readers on the Tuts+ network via social media.
  • Have Fun!

Get Your Broomsticks Ready!

Keep your eyes open for your favorite theme and vector from our previews, it’s going to be a blast! We look forward to seeing your spooky skull creations and hope you have a fantastic Halloween and Day of the Dead!

Halloween and Day of the Dead on Tuts+
Text effect created by Andrei Marius – tutorial coming soon!

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