We’re excited to let you know that we’re currently planning our first Tuts+ and Envato meetup in the UK! We’ll have a great venue, some exciting goodies to give away, and you’ll have the opportunity to meet various Envato staff (as well as fellow Tuts+ readers!). If you’re interested in joining us, read on to find out how you can RSVP, and help us choose the meetup location.
What’s Happening?
Although Envato has organized plenty of meetups to date (in places such as Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Chicago, and New York!), this will be our first official UK event. First and foremost, it’s a brilliant chance to meet lots of like-minded creative professionals and developers, as well as various members of the Tuts+ team. A few of the editors likely to be in attendance are Michael James Williams, Johnny Winter, Sharon Milne, Joel Bankhead, David Appleyard, Ian Yates, Neil Pearce, and one of our top authors — Martin Perhiniak.
We’ll have a fantastic, funky venue, free food and drink, and lots of exciting goodies to give away to attendees. You’ll have the chance to talk to our team about what we’re doing at Tuts+ and Envato, as well as picking their brains on anything from web design and game development, to illustration and electronics!
Just to give you a feel for what to expect, here’s a selection of photos from last year’s meetup in New York:

When and Where?
We’ve fixed a date of Saturday 9th November. It’s far enough away to give you plenty of time to plan, and close enough to the holidays for you to also do a little Christmas shopping before the meetup in the evening! The meetup will be happening late afternoon/evening (although we’ll let you know all the final times closer to the date).
We’re going to be holding it in either London, or Manchester — it’s up to you to decide! If you’re interested in attending, we’d be thrilled to meet you. Submit your RSVP below, and be sure to let us know where you’d like the meetup to be held. We’ll keep you updated as we get closer to the date.
RSVP to Join the Guest List!
We’re incredibly excited to have the opportunity to meet lots of our wonderful readers, and we really hope you’ll be able to make it. Let’s bring Tuts+ and Envato to the UK!
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