Here in the USA (where I am based), the Fourth of July is fast approaching, which means festivals, food, and my favorite… FIREWORKS! In light of the holiday I put together a nice roundup of some cool fireworks shows, some flag tutorials and some free fonts!
Independence Day Theatrical Trailer
Happy 4th of July!
How To Make Firecracker Shots For the 4th Of July
Stars & Stripes FOREVER!
Largest July 4th Fireworks Display in America
John Adams – Declaration of Independence
Crappy 4th of July
Seattle Fireworks – 4th of July 2009
Disneyland July 4th 2009 Fireworks – Disney’s Celebrate America!
Celebrate America 2009 – 4th of July Fireworks at Walt Disney World
Fireworks Display in HD 4th of July 2009 (West Orange NJ)
4th of July 2009 Fireworks Show Las Vegas Hilton
090704 Macy’s Fireworks Hudson River 42nd Street New York
Create a Tattered Flag with Zaxwerks 3D Flag – Motionworks
Create a fireworks effect using After Effects
Simulating Flag Ripples Using Flex In 3D Studio MAX
Cinema 4D tutorial: 3d flag
Motion 4 Tutorial: Making A Flag Blow In The Wind.
Create Awesome Cloth Simulations using nDynamics in Maya
How to Simulate a Torn Flag Animation using 3ds Max and After Effects
Stars & Stripes
2Peas 4th of July
LMS Star Spangled
BodieMF Flag
Stars And Stripes
American Bush Shame
LMS America LSF
Stripes & Stars
Missing Man Out
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