We have another great Vector Premium tutorial available exclusively for Premium members today. If you want to learn how to use color, shape and composition in unison to create a stylized illustration of an environment, then we have an awesome tutorial for you.
This is a Detailed and Professional Tutorial
This is an advanced tutorial and assumes a familiarity with the basic workings of the Pathfinder Palette. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to set the stage for creating environments that have many objects that occupy one space. This is an important concept in illustration that takes time and skill to master, but with the help of Adobe Illustrator, we’ll be able to massage and revise the artwork in order to complete our vision.
Premium members can Log in and Download! Otherwise, Join Now! Below are sample images, which show some of the development of this tutorial.
Vector Premium Membership
As you know, we run a Premium membership system that costs $9 a month (or $22 for 3 months!) which gives members access to the Source files for tutorials as well as periodic extra tutorials, like this one! If you’re a Plus member you can log in and download the tutorial. If you’re not a member, you can of course join today!