Workshop #269: Wolves by Daniel Tyson

This track has been submitted for your friendly, constructive criticism. What useful feedback can you give the artist? The floor is yours to talk about the track and how they can fix problems in and improve upon the mix and the song.

Download audio file (WolvesDanielTyson.mp3)

Description of the track:

To record this track I used two large diaphragm condensers as a stereo pair to record the acoustic guitar. Everything in this track is on the guitar (including the beat heard in the chorus).

I also had a good friend of mine from the Manchester based band ‘House of three Hands’ lay down vocal take. I recorded and mixed in Logic Pro 9. The music and lyrics are written by myself.


Verse 1:

As I reach,
Towards your hand I see a,
Flash of light that blinds my,
Honest side,

No two ways that my,
Values are colder,
To throw you aside,
For my own sacrifice,


You gave me a reason that,
You could not explain,
Too late were the stories that,
You could not be tamed,

Verse 2:

In hindsight,
All I needed was a,
Vision of you,
From the past to the truth,
From the past to the truth,

The poof to me that you were nothing of loss,
Was the lack of the doubt over the moral cost,
The feeling inside when there’s nothing to lose,
When there’s nothing to lose.

Terms of Use: Users can stream the track for the purposes of giving feedback but cannot download or redistribute it.

Have a listen to the track and offer your constructive criticism for this Workshop in the comments section. Feel free to offer any type of advice – arrangement, mix, lyrics, performance. And remember to play nice – be constructive!

Need constructive criticism on your own tracks? Submit them for a workshop using this form. Most but not all submissions are published. There may be a wait of up to two months.

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